Section 13-28-210 - Regulatory exemptions of enterprise zones(a) To carry out the purposes of this part, any agency, as defined by § 4-5-102, which promulgates rules, as defined by § 4-5-102, or any administrative body of the municipality which promulgates regulations pursuant to appropriate legal authority, may, by rule or regulation, exempt designated enterprise zones from any rule or regulation, in whole or in part, promulgated by such agency or by such administrative body as provided in the ordinance or resolution.(b) An enterprise zone is not exempt from any rule or regulation if the exemption endangers the health and safety of the citizens of the state.(c) The board shall conduct a review of all rules promulgated, and shall recommend to the municipality the exemption of rules promulgated which would contribute to the implementation of this part.(d) Any exemption of a regulation by an administrative body of the municipality shall be promulgated as a subsequent regulation in accordance with the law authorizing promulgation of the regulation proposed for exemption within designated zones.Acts 1989, ch. 541, § 10.