The children shall be with each parent for one-half of the school summer break. Summer break begins the day after school is released and ends the day before school commences. The parent with whom the children reside the majority of the time during the school year has priority to have the children the week before school resumes, which counts as part of that parent's summer break. At the option of the other parent, his/her parenting time during summer break may be consecutive or it may be split into 2 or more blocks of time. This parent shall provide a minimum of 30 days advance notice of the dates selected.
If the children go to summer school and it is impossible for a parent to schedule time other than during summer school, the parent may elect to take the time when the children are in summer school and transport the children to the summer school sessions at the children's school or an equivalent summer school session in that parent's community.
The parent with whom the children reside for the majority of the school year shall have the weekend before the beginning and the weekend after the end of the other parent's summer period, regardless of whose weekend it may be. This weekend time will not be made up.
During any summer vacation parenting times of three or more consecutive weeks, the parent exercising parenting time shall arrange for a mutually convenient 48-hour continuous period of time for the other parent to spend with the children.
SDCL tit. 25, ch. 4A, app TO CHAPTER 25-4A, Guideline 2, 2.3