- Section 22-18-1 - Simple assault-Violation as misdemeanor-Third or subsequent offense a felony-Violation in other states
- Section 22-18-1.1 - Aggravated assault-Felony
- Section 22-18-1.2 - Criminal battery of an unborn child-Misdemeanor
- Section 22-18-1.3 - Aggravated criminal battery of an unborn child-Felony
- Section 22-18-1.4 - Aggravated battery of an infant-Felony
- Section 22-18-1.5 - Assaults with intent to cause serious permanent disfigurement-Felony
- Section 22-18-1.05 - Simple or aggravated assault against law enforcement officer, firefighter, ambulance personnel, Department of Corrections employee or contractor, health care personnel, or other public officer
- Section 22-18-2 - Justifiable force used by public officer in performance of duty-Assistance or direction of officer
- Section 22-18-3 - Lawful force in arrest and delivery of felon
- Section 22-18-3.1 - Definitions
- Section 22-18-4 - Force-Defense of person
- Section 22-18-4.1 - Deadly force-Defense of person
- Section 22-18-4.2 - Defense of dwelling or residence-Force-Deadly force
- Section 22-18-4.3 - Imminent death-Great bodily injury-Reasonable fear
- Section 22-18-4.4 - Presumption of fear-Exceptions
- Section 22-18-4.5 - Unlawful entry-Presumption
- Section 22-18-4.6 - Force-Defense of property other than a dwelling
- Section 22-18-4.7 - Deadly force-Defense of property other than a dwelling
- Section 22-18-4.8 - Immunity-Burden of proof
- Section 22-18-4.9 - Aggressor-Use of force-Justification not available
- Section 22-18-5 - Reasonable force used by parent, guardian, or teacher in correcting child, pupil, or ward
- Section 22-18-6 - Reasonable force used by carrier to expel passenger-Vehicle stopped
- Section 22-18-7 to 22-18-25 - [Repealed]
- Section 22-18-26 - Assault by convicted or incarcerated person under Department of Corrections jurisdiction-Intentionally causing contact with bodily fluids or human waste-Felony
- Section 22-18-26.1 - Intentionally causing contact with bodily fluids or human waste-Assault upon any other person-Misdemeanor
- Section 22-18-26.2 - Intentionally causing contact with bodily fluids or human waste-Unified Judicial System employee-Felony
- Section 22-18-27, 22-18-28 - [Repealed]
- Section 22-18-29 - Assault by adult prisoner in county or municipal jail-Intentionally causing contact with bodily fluids or human waste-Felony
- Section 22-18-29.1 - Assault by juvenile confined in detention facility or juvenile corrections facility-Intentionally causing contact with bodily fluids or human waste-Felony
- Section 22-18-30 - Third or subsequent offense-Offense in another state
- Section 22-18-31 - Intentional exposure to HIV infection a felony
- Section 22-18-32 - Definition of terms
- Section 22-18-33 - Informed consent of person exposed to HIV an affirmative defense
- Section 22-18-34 - Actual transmission of HIV not required for criminal exposure
- Section 22-18-35 - Disorderly conduct-Misdemeanor
- Section 22-18-36 - Vehicular battery
- Section 22-18-37 - Female genital mutilation-Felony
- Section 22-18-38 - Religion, custom, or consent not a defense to female genital mutilation
- Section 22-18-39 - Certain surgical procedures permitted
- Section 22-18-40 - Standing on highway with intent to impede or stop traffic-Misdemeanor
- Section 22-18-41 - Unlawful directing-Light-Laser pointer