S.D. Codified Laws § 15-26A-57

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 15-26A-57 - Time for transmission of record-Temporary delay-Documents of unusual bulk or weight and physical exhibits-Motion for intermediate orders

When the briefs have been served and filed in the Supreme Court, or the time for filing briefs has expired, the clerk of the Supreme Court shall so notify the clerk of the trial court in writing, and the clerk of the trial court shall then forthwith transmit the record on appeal to the clerk of the Supreme Court. Transmission of the record is effected when the clerk of the trial court mails or otherwise forwards the record to the Supreme Court. The parties, however, by written stipulation, or the Supreme Court acting through its clerk upon motion of a party may order, for cause shown, a temporary delay in the transmission of the settled record not to exceed thirty days. Such stipulation by the parties shall be subject to review and modification by the Supreme Court upon its own motion and order.

All documents which are, in the determination of the clerk of the trial court, of unusual bulk or weight, all physical exhibits other than documents which are not of unusual bulk or weight, and such other parts of the record as the Supreme Court may designate by rule or order, or the parties may designate by written stipulation, shall not be transmitted by the clerk of the trial court as part of the settled record unless he is otherwise directed to do so in writing by the party or the clerk of the Supreme Court. A party so directing must make advanced arrangement with the clerks of the trial court and the Supreme Court for the cost, transportation, and receipt of exhibits of unusual bulk or weight and those others which he directs to be transmitted.

If prior to the time the record is transmitted, a party desires to make in the Supreme Court a motion for dismissal, for relief, for a stay pending appeal, for additional security on bond on appeal, or on a supersedeas bond, or for any intermediate order, the clerk of the trial court at the request of any party shall transmit to the Supreme Court such parts of the original record as any party shall designate.

SDCL 15-26A-57

Supreme Court Rule 79-1, Rule 11 (1); SDCL Supp, § 15-26A-39; Supreme Court Rule 82-11.