S.D. Codified Laws § 15-26A-14

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 15-26A-14 - Contents of petition for appeal

The petition shall be captioned in the Supreme Court and entitled as in the circuit court. It shall contain:

(1) A statement of facts necessary to understand the question presented;
(2) A statement of the question itself;
(3) The relief sought;
(4) A concise statement, without argument, of law in support of the request;
(5) The reasons why the appeal should be allowed;
(6) Other papers and exhibits petitioner deems relevant and material; and
(7) All papers must conform to typeface specified in § 15-26A-66. Except by the Court's permission, a petition or response may not exceed 10 pages, exclusive of the accompanying documents required by subdivisions 15-26A-15(1), (2) and (3).

SDCL 15-26A-14

Supreme Court Rule 79-1, Rule 5 (2); SDCL Supp, § 15-26A-6; Supreme Court Rule 80-3; Supreme Court Rule 82-14; SL 2005, ch 292 (Supreme Court Rule 05-06), effective Feb. 25, 2005; SL 2013, ch 262 (Supreme Court Rule 13-01), eff. Feb. 14, 2013.