Notwithstanding § 10-50-99, a cigar shipper may sell and ship cigars to any person in this state who is twenty-one years of age or older. Before shipping the cigars, the cigar shipper shall verify the age of the person placing the order by obtaining a copy of the person's valid age-bearing photo identification document issued by this state, another state, the federal government, or a federally recognized Indian tribe, or by using an age verification service. The cigar shipper shall record the name, address, date of birth, and telephone number of the person placing the order on the order form or other verifiable record. The cigar shipper shall notify the person placing the order that the recipient of the shipment is required to show a valid age-bearing photo identification document issued by this state, another state, the federal government, or a federally recognized Indian tribe, upon delivery.
SDCL 10-50C-4