S.D. Codified Laws § 1-21-1
There is created a State Fair Commission within the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the secretary of agriculture and natural resources. The commission may consist of up to thirteen members appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Governor. Seven of the members may be appointed at large; an additional six members may be appointed from each of the following: 4-H Clubs of South Dakota, a resident of the city of Huron, a resident of Beadle County, a vendor, an exhibitor, and an employee of the South Dakota State University. Not all of the members may be of the same political party. The commission shall meet periodically at the call of the secretary and shall assist the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources in planning, promoting, and presenting the state fair and such other duties as assigned by the secretary.
SDCL 1-21-1