The Adjutant General is authorized by the Legislature to convey to the city of Lexington, Nebraska:
Beginning at the northwest corner of lot three, Bowen's first addition to the city of Lexington, Dawson County, Nebraska; then south along the west line of lot three, twenty-one feet to the true point of beginning; then east, five hundred fifteen and nine-tenths feet; then south and along the east line of lot three, sixteen feet; then west, five hundred fifteen and nine-tenths feet; and then north and along the west line of lot three, sixteen feet to the point of beginning; and
The east forty feet of the north one hundred thirty-five feet of the south one hundred fifty-five feet of lot three, Bowen's first addition to the city of Lexington, Dawson County, Nebraska.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 90-227