Current with changes through 2024
Section 81-3528 - Practice through organization; certificate of authorization; requirements(1) The practice or offer to practice for others of geology by individuals licensed under the Geologists Regulation Act through an organization is permitted if the criteria for organizational practice established by the board are met and the organization has been issued a certificate of authorization by the board. All technical submissions by an organization involving the practice of geology when issued or filed for public record shall be dated and bear the seal of the licensed geologist who prepared the submission or under whose immediate direction it was prepared.(2) An organization desiring a certificate of authorization shall file with the board an application, using the form provided by the board, which also contains a list of the names and addresses of all officers of the organization, duly licensed to practice geology in the state through the organization. Any change in the list of officers during the certificate period shall be designated on the same form and filed with the board within thirty days after the effective date of the change. If the requirements of this section are met, the board shall issue a certificate of authorization to the organization and the organization may contract for and collect fees for furnishing professional services.(3) The Geologists Regulation Act shall not prevent an organization from performing professional services for itself.(4) An organization is not relieved of its responsibility for the conduct or acts of its agents, employees, officers, or partners by reason of its compliance with this section. An individual practicing geology is not relieved of his or her responsibility for services performed by reason of employment or any other relationship with an organization holding a certificate of authorization.(5) Commencing one year after January 1, 1999, the Secretary of State shall not issue a certificate of authority to an applicant or a registration of name to a foreign firm to an organization which includes among the objectives for which it is established geology or any modification or derivation of geology, unless the board has issued the applicant a certificate of authorization or a letter indicating the eligibility of the applicant to receive a certificate of authorization. The organization shall supply the certificate or letter with its application for incorporation or licensure.(6) Commencing one year after January 1, 1999, the Secretary of State shall not register any trade name or service mark which includes the words professional geologist, or any modification or derivative of such word, in its firm name or logotype except to those organizations holding a certificate of authorization issued by the board.(7) The certificate of authorization shall be renewed periodically as required by the board.(8) A geologist who renders occasional, part-time, or consulting services to or for an organization may not for purposes of this section be designated as being responsible for the professional activities of the organization.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 81-3528
Laws 1998, LB 1161, § 76; Laws 2013, LB 91, § 3.