Current with changes through 2024
Section 81-2213 - Department; powers and duties relating to agingThe department shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To develop, approve, and submit to the Governor a two-year, three-year, or four-year state plan on aging, as determined by the department, for purposes of administering grant funds allocated to the state under the federal Older Americans Act of 1965, as such act existed on January 1, 2016, or administering state funds allocated to the Nebraska Community Aging Services Act;(2) To cooperate with similar departments, commissions, or councils in the federal government and in other states;(3) To adopt and promulgate rules, regulations, and bylaws governing its procedure and activities and as necessary to carry out the policies of the department and the policies prescribed by the Administration on Aging pursuant to the federal Older Americans Act of 1965, as such act existed on January 1, 2016;(4) To create committees to aid in the discharge of its powers and duties;(5) To cooperate with and assist other state and local governmental agencies and officials on matters relating to services for older individuals;(6) To divide the state into planning-and-service areas as provided in section 71-807 for behavioral health regions, except that Regions 3 and 5 may each be divided into two planning-and-service areas with boundaries as established by the department for planning-and-service areas in existence in those regions on July 1, 1982;(7) To establish minimum standards for program operations and to adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the performance of area agencies on aging and for any services provided by such area agencies on aging which are funded in whole or in part under the Nebraska Community Aging Services Act or the federal Older Americans Act of 1965, as such federal act existed on January 1, 2016;(8) To require the submission of a two-year, three-year, or four-year area plan and budget by each area agency on aging or agency seeking designation as an area agency on aging. Such plans and budgets shall be submitted sixty days prior to the start of each fiscal year in accordance with the uniform area plan format and other instructions issued by the department;(9) To review and approve a two-year, three-year, or four-year area plan and budget for the support of each area agency on aging and the provision of eligible activities and services as defined in section 81-2222;(10) To adopt and submit electronically to the Legislature a community aging services budget;(11) To review the performance of each area agency on aging and, based on the department-approved area plan and budget, to determine the continued designation or the withdrawal of the designation of an area agency on aging receiving or requesting resources through the state or under the Nebraska Community Aging Services Act or the federal Older Americans Act of 1965, as such federal act existed on January 1, 2016. After consultation with the director of the area agency on aging and the governing unit of the area agency on aging, the department may withdraw a designation when it can be shown that federal or state laws, rules, or regulations have not been complied with, state or federal funds are not being expended for the purposes for which they were intended, or older individuals are not receiving appropriate services within available resources. Withdrawal of a designation may be appealed to the department. Upon withdrawal of a designation, the department may temporarily perform all or part of the functions and responsibilities of the area agency on aging, may designate another agency to perform such functions and responsibilities identified by the department until the designation of a new area agency on aging, and, when deemed necessary, may temporarily deliver services to assure continuity;(12) To conduct continuing studies and analyses of the problems faced by older individuals within the state and develop such recommendations for administrative or legislative action as appear necessary;(13) To develop grants and plans, enter into contracts, accept gifts, grants, and federal funds, and do all things necessary and proper to discharge these powers and duties;(14) To accept and administer any other programs or resources delegated, designated, assigned, or awarded to the department from public or private sources; and(15) Such other powers and duties necessary to effectively implement the Nebraska Community Aging Services Act.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 81-2213
Laws 1982, LB 404, § 13; Laws 1991, LB 58, § 15; Laws 1993, LB 818, § 1; Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 873; Laws 2004, LB 1083, § 128; Laws 2007, LB296, § 764; Laws 2012, LB 782, § 213; Laws 2013, LB 222, § 39; Laws 2016, LB 698, § 29.Amended by Laws 2016, LB 698,§ 29, eff. 7/21/2016.