Current with changes through 2024
Section 81-1427 - Director of Juvenile Diversion Programs; appointment; duties(1) There is established within the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice the position of Director of Juvenile Diversion Programs to be appointed by the executive director of the commission.(2) The Director of Juvenile Diversion Programs shall be supervised by the executive director of the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. The director shall be responsible for fostering, promoting, researching, and assessing juvenile pretrial diversion programs and developing new programs in collaboration with cities and counties pursuant to sections 43-260.02 to 43-260.07. The director shall: (a) Provide technical assistance and guidance to juvenile pretrial diversion programs for implementing evidence-based strategies or standardized, replicable practices that have been researched and have demonstrated positive outcomes;(b) Develop a core juvenile pretrial diversion program packet for utilization by counties without a juvenile pretrial diversion program or counties without a district probation officer acting under section 29-2258;(c) Establish baseline program guidelines for juvenile pretrial diversion programs based on evidence-based practices, principles, programs, and research, develop data collection and evaluation protocols, oversee statewide data collection, and generate an annual report on juvenile pretrial diversion programs;(d) Develop relationships and collaborate with juvenile justice stakeholders involved in juvenile pretrial diversion programs, provide education and training as necessary, and serve on boards and committees when approved by the commission;(e) Facilitate consistent communication and information-sharing among juvenile pretrial diversion program directors;(f) Assist juvenile pretrial diversion program directors, county attorneys, district probation officers acting under section 29-2258, and county boards in developing policies and practices that achieve the goals of quality juvenile pretrial diversion programs;(g) Assist in comprehensive community planning efforts as they relate to development of juvenile pretrial diversion programs;(h) Develop and coordinate a statewide working group as a subcommittee of the Nebraska Coalition for Juvenile Justice to assist in regular strategic planning related to supporting, funding, monitoring, and evaluating the effectiveness of plans and programs receiving funds from the Community-based Juvenile Services Aid Program; and(i) Assist the Director of the Community-based Juvenile Services Aid Program created under section 43-2404.01 in the review of Community-based Juvenile Services Aid Program applications as provided in section 43-2404.02.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 81-1427
Laws 2013, LB 561, § 53; Laws 2014, LB 464, § 36.Amended by Laws 2014, LB 464,§ 36, eff. 7/18/2014.