Current with changes through 2024
Section 81-1423 - Commission; powers; dutiesThe commission shall have authority to:
(1) Adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for its organization and internal management and rules and regulations governing the exercise of its powers and the fulfillment of its purposes under sections 81-1415 to 81-1426.01 and 81-1429.03;(2) Delegate to one or more of its members such powers and duties as it may deem proper;(3) Coordinate and jointly pursue its activities with the Governor's Policy Research Office;(4) Appoint and abolish such advisory committees as may be necessary for the performance of its functions and delegate appropriate powers and duties to them;(5) Plan improvements in the administration of criminal justice and promote their implementation;(6) Make or encourage studies of any aspect of the administration of criminal justice;(7) Conduct research and stimulate research by public and private agencies which shall be designed to improve the administration of criminal justice;(8) Coordinate activities relating to the administration of criminal justice among agencies of state and local government;(9) Cooperate with the federal and other state authorities concerning the administration of criminal justice;(10) Accept and administer loans, grants, and donations from the United States, its agencies, the State of Nebraska, its agencies, and other sources, public and private, for carrying out any of its functions, except that no communications equipment shall be acquired and no approval for acquisition of communications equipment shall be granted without receiving the written approval of the Director of Communications of the office of Chief Information Officer;(11) Enter into contracts, leases, and agreements necessary, convenient, or desirable for carrying out its purposes and the powers granted under sections 81-1415 to 81-1426.01 and 81-1429.03 with agencies of state or local government, corporations, or persons;(12) Acquire, hold, and dispose of personal property in the exercise of its powers;(13) Conduct random annual audits of criminal justice agencies to verify the accuracy and completeness of criminal history record information maintained by such agencies and to determine compliance with laws and regulations dealing with the dissemination, security, and privacy of criminal history information;(14) Do all things necessary to carry out its purposes and for the exercise of the powers granted in sections 81-1415 to 81-1426.01 and 81-1429.03, except that no activities or transfers or expenditures of funds available to the commission shall be inconsistent with legislative policy as reflected in substantive legislation, legislative intent legislation, or appropriations legislation;(15) Exercise budgetary and administrative control over the Crime Victim's Reparations Committee and the Jail Standards Board; and(16) Do all things necessary to carry out sections 81-1843 to 81-1851.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 81-1423
Laws 1969, c. 774, § 9, p. 2934; Laws 1971, LB 225, § 1; Laws 1975, LB 427, § 20; Laws 1978, LB 713, § 27; Laws 1979, LB 412, § 11; Laws 1979, LB 322, § 57; Laws 1981, LB 477, § 7; Laws 1981, LB 545, § 36; Laws 1981, LB 328, § 1; Laws 1986, LB 540, § 1; Laws 1994, LB 971, § 15; Laws 2003, LB 46, § 16; Laws 2004, LB 270, § 4; Laws 2005, LB 538, § 21; Laws 2006, LB 921, § 10; Laws 2011, LB 390, § 18; Laws 2015, LB 605, § 86; Laws 2016, LB 843, § 5.Amended by Laws 2016, LB 843,§ 5, eff. 7/21/2016, op. 7/1/2017.Amended by Laws 2015, LB 605,§ 86, eff. 8/30/2015.