Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-179

Current with changes through 2024
Section 81-179 - Building Renewal Allocation Fund; created; use; investment
(1) There is hereby created under the control of the Governor, for allocation to building renewal projects of the various agencies, a fund to be known as the Building Renewal Allocation Fund. The fund shall contain the revenue from the special privilege tax as provided in section 77-2602 and such other money as is appropriated by the Legislature. Such appropriation is declared to consist of building renewal funds which shall be kept separate and distinct from the program continuation funds and project construction funds.
(2) Separate subfunds, subprograms, projects, or accounts shall be established to separately account for any expenditures on state buildings or facilities to comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. A minimal amount of the funds contained in the subfunds, subprograms, projects, or accounts may be used for planning and evaluation of buildings and facilities.
(3) The budget division of the Department of Administrative Services may administratively transfer funds to appropriate accounting entities to correctly account for the operating expenditures. A separate fund, cash fund, project, or other account may be administratively established for such purpose.
(4) Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act. Beginning October 1, 2024, any investment earnings from investment of money in the fund shall be credited to the General Fund.
(5) The State Treasurer shall transfer seven hundred eighty-three thousand six hundred sixty-seven dollars from the Building Renewal Allocation Fund to the General Fund on or after June 15, 2018, but before June 30, 2018, on such date as directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services.
(6) The State Treasurer shall transfer two hundred thousand dollars from the Building Renewal Allocation Fund to the General Fund on or after June 15, 2019, but before June 30, 2019, on such date as directed by the budget administrator of the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services.
(7) The State Treasurer shall transfer one million seven hundred sixteen thousand three hundred thirty-three dollars from the Building Renewal Allocation Fund to the Accounting Division Cash Fund on July 1, 2017, or as soon thereafter as administratively possible.
(8) The State Treasurer shall transfer two million three hundred thousand dollars from the Building Renewal Allocation Fund to the Accounting Division Cash Fund on July 1, 2018, or as soon thereafter as administratively possible.

Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-179

Laws 1977, LB 309, § 7; Laws 1993, LB 369, § 3; Laws 1994, LB 1066, § 96; Laws 1995, LB 530, § 2; Laws 1996, LB 1190, § 16; Laws 1998, LB 1100, § 15; Laws 2000, LB 1349, § 2; Laws 2002, LB 1310, § 11; Laws 2003, LB 410, § 1; Laws 2004, LB 1090, § 1; Laws 2007, LB323, § 2; Laws 2017, LB 331, § 44.
Amended by Laws 2024SP1, LB 3,§ 31, eff. 8/21/2024.
Amended by Laws 2017, LB 331,§ 44, eff. 5/16/2017.