(5) In any year, the county assessor or the county board of equalization may cause a review of any exemption to determine whether the exemption is proper. Such a review may be taken even if the ownership or use of the property has not changed from the date of the allowance of the exemption. If it is determined that a change in an exemption is warranted, the procedure for hearing set out in section 77-202.02 shall be followed, except that the published notice shall state that the list provided in the county assessor's office only includes those properties being reviewed. If an exemption is denied, the county board of equalization shall place the property on the tax rolls retroactive to January 1 of that year if on the date of the decision of the county board of equalization the property no longer qualifies for an exemption. The county board of equalization shall give notice of the assessed value of the real property in the same manner as outlined in section 77-1507, and the procedures for filing a protest shall be the same as those in section 77-1502.
When personal property which was exempt becomes taxable because of lost exemption status, the owner or his or her agent has thirty days after the date of denial to file a personal property return with the county assessor. Upon the expiration of the thirty days for filing a personal property return pursuant to this subsection, the county assessor shall proceed to list and value the personal property and apply the penalty pursuant to section 77-1233.04.