The board shall have the power (1) to revoke a certificate of registration or certificate of authority, (2) to suspend a certificate of registration or certificate of authority for a specific period not to exceed a year, (3) to censure a registered abstracter or holder of a certificate of authority, and (4) to issue a letter of reprimand to a registered abstracter or holder of a certificate of authority.
Such disciplinary actions may be invoked after a hearing as provided in section 76-552 for a violation of the Abstracters Act, including unfair practices, upon the conviction of the holder of a certificate of a felony, or if the board finds a holder to be guilty of habitual carelessness or of fraudulent practices in the conduct of the business of abstracting.
Unfair practices which are a violation of the Abstracters Act shall include:
The board shall also have the power after a hearing as provided in section 76-552 to revoke or suspend a certificate of authority for failure to have employed a registered abstracter or for otherwise violating the Abstracters Act.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 76-551