There is hereby created the Motor Fuel Tax Enforcement and Collection Cash Fund. Such fund shall consist of appropriations to the fund and money transferred to it pursuant to section 39-2215. The fund shall be used exclusively for the costs of the Department of Revenue in carrying out its duties under the Compressed Fuel Tax Act, the Petroleum Release Remedial Action Act, the State Aeronautics Act, and sections 66-482 to 66-4,149, 66-501 to 66-531, and 66-712 to 66-736 and other related costs for the Department of Agriculture and the Nebraska State Patrol, except that transfers may be made from the fund to the General Fund at the direction of the Legislature. Any money in the Motor Fuel Tax Enforcement and Collection Cash Fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 66-739