RCW 74.04.635
Findings-2001 c 111: "The legislature finds and declares:
(1) That soldiers who were members of the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines military forces who were in the service of the United States of America on July 31, 1941, including the organized guerrilla forces under commanders appointed, designated, or subsequently recognized by the Commander in Chief of the Southwest Pacific Area or other competent authority in the Army of the United States, performed an invaluable function during World War II.
(2) It is in the public interest for the state of Washington to recognize those courageous soldiers who fought and defended American interests during World War II and who are currently receiving supplemental state benefits under RCW 74.04.620 as of December 14, 1999, by permitting them to return to their homeland to spend their last days without a complete forfeiture of benefits." [ 2001 c 111 s 1.]