Wash. Rev. Code § 66.24.380
There is a retailer's license to be designated as a special occasion license to be issued to a not-for-profit society or organization to sell spirits, beer, and wine by the individual serving for on-premises consumption at a specified event, such as at picnics or other special occasions, at a specified date and place; fee sixty dollars per day.
RCW 66.24.380
Finding-Application-Rules-Effective date-Contingent effective date- 2012 c 2 (Initiative Measure No. 1183): See notes following RCW 66.24.620.
Effective date-1997 c 321: See note following RCW 66.24.010.
Effective date-1981 1st ex.s. c 5: See RCW 66.98.100.
Severability-Effective date-1973 1st ex.s. c 209: See notes following RCW 66.20.160.
"Society or organization" defined for certain purposes: RCW 66.24.375.