The employment security department shall establish an information clearinghouse for use by persons of disability and governmental and private employers. The services of the clearinghouse shall include:
RCW 50.12.250
Legislative finding-1987 c 369: "The legislature finds that improving the economic status of persons of disability, the state's largest social minority with over four hundred thousand people, will require active state involvement. Persons of disability suffer unemployment at almost twice the rate and experience poverty at more than twice the rate of the general population. Employers have experienced confusion about the variety of employment services available to them. Optimum service from, and access to, the state's training and placement programs for persons of disability requires coordination and a clear focus on the stated needs of persons of disability and their prospective employers. It is the purpose of this chapter to guarantee that representatives of the disability community, labor, and the private sector have an institutionalized means of meeting their respective needs in the training, employment, and economic participation of persons of disability." [ 1987 c 369 s 1.]