Section 49.17.490 - Temporary workers-Safety-Staffing agency and worksite employer duties(1) Before the assignment of an employee to a worksite employer, a staffing agency must: (a) Inquire about the worksite employer's safety and health practices and hazards at the actual workplace where the employee will be working to assess the safety conditions, workers tasks, and the worksite employer's safety program; these activities are required at the start of any contract to place workers and may include visiting the actual worksite. If, during the inquiry or anytime during the period of the contract, the staffing agency becomes aware of existing job hazards that are not mitigated by the worksite employer, the staffing agency must make the host employer aware, urge the host employer to correct it, and document these efforts, otherwise the staffing agency must remove the temporary workers from the worksite;(b) Provide training to the employee for general awareness safety training for recognized industry hazards the employee may encounter at the worksite. Industry hazard training must be completed, in the preferred language of the employee, and must be provided at no expense to the employee. The training date and training content must be maintained by the staffing agency and provided to the employee upon request;(c) Transmit a general description of the training program including topics covered to the worksite employer, whether electronically or on paper, at the start of the contract with the worksite employer;(d) Provide the department's hotline number for the employee to call to report safety hazards and concerns as part of the employment materials provided to the employee; and(e) Inform the employee who the employee should report safety concerns to at the workplace.(2) This section does not diminish any existing worksite employer or staffing agency responsibility as an employer to provide a place of employment free from recognized hazards or to otherwise comply with this chapter and other employment laws. Both entities are responsible for compliance with this chapter and the rules enacted pursuant to this chapter.(3) Before the employee engages in work for the worksite employer, the worksite employer must: (a) Document and inform the staffing agency about anticipated job hazards likely encountered by the staffing agency employee;(b) Review the safety and health awareness training provided by the staffing agency to determine if it addresses recognized hazards for the worksite employer's industry;(c) Provide specific training tailored to the particular hazards at their workplaces; and(d) Document and maintain records of site-specific training and provide confirmation that the training occurred to the staffing agency within three business days of providing the training.(4) If the worksite employer changes the job tasks or work location and new hazards may be encountered, the worksite employer must:(a) Inform both the staffing agency and the employee; and(b) Inform both the staffing agency and the employee of job hazards not previously covered before the employee undertakes the new tasks and update personal protective equipment and training for the new job tasks, if necessary.(5) A staffing agency or employee may refuse a new job task at the worksite when the task has not been reviewed or if the employee has not had appropriate training to do the new task.(6) A worksite employer that supervises an employee of a staffing agency must provide worksite specific training to the employee and must allow a staffing agency to visit any worksite where the staffing agency's employees are or will be working to observe and confirm the worksite employer's training and information related to the worksite's job tasks, safety and health practices, and hazards.(7) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise. (a) A "staffing agency" is an employer as defined in this chapter and North American industry classification system 561320 and means an organization that recruits and hires its own employees and temporarily assigns those employees to perform work or services for another organization, under such other organization's supervision, to: (i) Support or supplement the other organization's workforce;(ii) provide assistance in special work situations including, but not limited to, employee absences, skill shortages, or seasonal workloads; or(iii) perform special assignments or projects.(b) "Worksite employer" is an employer as defined in this chapter and means an individual, company, corporation, or partnership with which a staffing agency contracts or otherwise agrees to furnish persons for temporary employment in the industries described in sectors 23 and 31 through 33 of the North American industry classification system.(8) A staffing agency or worksite employer may not retaliate against a staffing agency employee who reports safety concerns.(9) The department may enact rules to implement this section.