RCW 43.70.825
Findings-Intent- 2021 c 68: "(1) The legislature finds that:
(a) Research shows that school-based health centers provide a crucial link between health and education, improving outcomes for students in both areas;
(b) Health and academic disparities are increasing during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for students of color;
(c) School-based health centers advance equity by providing health care access and support at schools;
(d) School-based health centers have been operating across the state for more than 30 years;
(e) Local control and decision making for school-based health centers is important; and
(f) In 2016, the legislature created the Washington integrated student supports protocol as a strategy to close educational opportunity gaps through school-based coordination of academic and nonacademic supports for students.
(2) Therefore, the legislature intends to create a school-based health center program office within the department of health to award grants and coordinate with other agencies and entities to provide support, training, and technical assistance to school-based health centers." [ 2021 c 68 s 1.]