- Section 43.09.200 - Local government accounting-Uniform system of accounting
- Section 43.09.205 - Local government accounting-Costs of public works-Standard form
- Section 43.09.210 - Local government accounting-Separate accounts for each fund or activity-Exemptions
- Section 43.09.220 - Local government accounting-Separate accounts for public service industries
- Section 43.09.230 - Local government accounting-Annual reports-Comparative statistics
- Section 43.09.240 - Local government accounting-Public officers and employees-Duty to account and report-Removal from office-Deposit of collections
- Section 43.09.245 - Local government accounting-Examination of financial affairs
- Section 43.09.260 - Local government accounting-Examination of local governments-Reports-Action by attorney general
- Section 43.09.270 - Local government accounting-Expense of audit, what constitutes
- Section 43.09.280 - Local government accounting-Expense of examination
- Section 43.09.2801 - Local government accounting-Expense of audit-Additional charge
- Section 43.09.281 - Appeal procedure to be adopted-Inclusion of number and disposition of appeals in annual report
- Section 43.09.282 - Local government accounting-Municipal revolving account-Records of auditing costs
- Section 43.09.285 - Joint operations by municipal corporations or political subdivisions-Deposit and control of funds
- Section 43.09.2851 - Repayment of amounts charged to another fund within same political subdivision to be credited to original fund or appropriation-Expenditure
- Section 43.09.2853 - Municipal corporations authorized to establish line of credit for payment of warrants-Interest
- Section 43.09.2855 - Local governments-Use of credit cards
- Section 43.09.2856 - School district audits-School district compliance with RCW 28A.150.276 and 28A.505.240-Report of findings