Wash. Rev. Code § 36.70.547
Every county, city, and town in which there is located a general aviation airport that is operated for the benefit of the general public, whether publicly owned or privately owned public use, shall, through its comprehensive plan and development regulations, discourage the siting of incompatible uses adjacent to such general aviation airport. Such plans and regulations may only be adopted or amended after formal consultation with: Airport owners and managers, private airport operators, general aviation pilots, ports, and the aviation division of the department of transportation. All proposed and adopted plans and regulations shall be filed with the aviation division of the department of transportation within a reasonable time after release for public consideration and comment. Each county, city, and town may obtain technical assistance from the aviation division of the department of transportation to develop plans and regulations consistent with this section.
Any additions or amendments to comprehensive plans or development regulations required by this section may be adopted during the normal course of land-use proceedings.
This section applies to every county, city, and town, whether operating under chapter 35.63, 35A.63, 36.70, [or] 36.70A RCW, or under a charter.
RCW 36.70.547