Wash. Rev. Code § 36.61.190
Special assessments and installments on any special assessment shall be collected by the county treasurer.
The county treasurer shall publish a notice indicating that the special assessment roll has been confirmed and that the special assessments are to be collected. The notice shall indicate the duration of the lake or beach management district and shall describe whether the special assessments will be paid in annual payments for the duration of the lake or beach management district, or whether the full special assessments will be payable at one time, with the possibility of periodic installments being paid and lake or beach management bonds being issued, or both.
If the special assessments are to be payable at one time, the notice additionally shall indicate that all or any portion of the special assessments may be paid within thirty days from the date of publication of the first notice without penalty or interest. This notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the lake or beach management district.
Within ten days of the first newspaper publication, the county treasurer shall notify each owner or reputed owner of property whose name appears on the special assessment roll, at the address shown on the special assessment roll, for each item of property described on the list:
RCW 36.61.190