Wash. Rev. Code § 36.58A.010
Any county legislative authority may establish solid waste collection districts within the county boundaries for the mandatory collection of solid waste: PROVIDED, That no such district shall include any area within the corporate limits of any city or town without the consent of the legislative authority of the city or town. Such districts may be established only after approval of a coordinated, comprehensive solid waste management plan adopted pursuant to chapter 134, Laws of 1969 ex. sess. and chapter 70A.205 RCW or pursuant to another solid waste management plan adopted prior to May 21, 1971 or within one year thereafter. The legislative authority of the county may modify or dissolve such district after a hearing as provided for in RCW 36.58A.020.
RCW 36.58A.010
Certain provisions not to detract from commission powers, duties, and functions: RCW 80.01.300.