Section 36.28A.435 - Sexual assault prevention and response account(1) The sexual assault prevention and response account is created in the state treasury. All legislative appropriations and transfers; gifts, grants, and other donations; and all other revenues directed to the account must be deposited into the sexual assault prevention and response account. Moneys in the account may only be spent after appropriation.(2) The legislature must prioritize appropriations from the account for: The Washington sexual assault kit initiative project created in RCW 36.28A.430; the office of crime victims advocacy for the purpose of providing support and services, including educational and vocational training, to victims of sexual assault and trafficking; victim-centered, trauma-informed training for prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates including, but not limited to, the training in RCW 43.101.272, 43.101.274, and 43.101.276; the Washington state patrol for the purpose of funding the statewide sexual assault kit tracking system and funding the forensic analysis of sexual assault kits.