- Section 36.102.010 - Definitions
- Section 36.102.020 - Public stadium authority-Creation-Powers and duties-Transfer of property
- Section 36.102.030 - Public stadium authority-Board of directors-Appointment-Terms-Vacancy-Removal
- Section 36.102.040 - Public stadium authority advisory committee-Appointment-Review and comment on proposed lease agreement
- Section 36.102.050 - Public stadium authority-Powers and duties-Acquisition, construction, ownership, remodeling, maintenance, equipping, reequipping, repairing, and operation of stadium and exhibition center-Contracts and agreements regarding ownership and operation-Employees unclassified-Supplemental public works contracting procedures-Charges and fees-Gifts, grants, and donations-Prevailing wage and women and minority-business participation
- Section 36.102.060 - Public stadium authority-Powers and duties-Site-Project scope-Design and specification-Use of professional services-Budget-Financing structure-Development agreement-Lease agreement-Profit-sharing discussion-Master tenant funds for Olympics and world cup-Stadium scheduling-Super Bowl acquisition-Mitigation-Demolition filming-Permanent seat licenses
- Section 36.102.070 - Deferral of taxes-Application by public stadium authority-Department of revenue approval-Repayment-Schedules-Interest-Debt for taxes-Information not confidential
- Section 36.102.080 - Naming rights-Use of revenues
- Section 36.102.090 - Donated moneys
- Section 36.102.100 - Construction agreements-Property assembly-Demolition of existing structures
- Section 36.102.110 - Property acquisition and sale
- Section 36.102.120 - Public stadium authority board of directors-Travel and business expenses-Resolution on payment and procedures-Operating budget report
- Section 36.102.130 - Public stadium authority officers and employees-Expenses
- Section 36.102.140 - Public stadium authority board of directors-Compensation-Waiver
- Section 36.102.150 - Public stadium authority-Liability insurance
- Section 36.102.160 - Public stadium authority-Defense of suit, claim, or proceeding against officer or employee-Costs-Attorneys' fees-Obligation-Exception
- Section 36.102.170 - Information preparation and distribution
- Section 36.102.180 - Public stadium authority-Employee positions-Wages and benefits-Insurance of employees, board members
- Section 36.102.190 - Public stadium authority-Securing services-Service provider agreement-Resolutions setting procedures
- Section 36.102.200 - Public stadium authority-Confidentiality of financial information
- Section 36.102.800 - Referendum only measure for taxes for stadium and exhibition center-Limiting legislation upon failure to approve-1997 c 220
- Section 36.102.801 - Legislation as opportunity for voter's decision-Not indication of legislators' personal vote on referendum proposal-1997 c 220
- Section 36.102.802 - Contingency-Null and void-Team affiliate's agreement for reimbursement for election-1997 c 220
- Section 36.102.803 - Referendum-Submittal-Explanatory statement-Voters' pamphlet-Voting procedures-Canvassing and certification-Reimbursement of counties for costs-No other elections on stadium and exhibition center-1997 c 220