- Section 35.67.010 - Definitions-"System of sewerage," "public utility."
- Section 35.67.020 - Authority to construct system and fix rates and charges-Classification of services and facilities-Assistance for low-income persons
- Section 35.67.022 - Extension outside city subject to review by boundary review board
- Section 35.67.025 - Public property subject to rates and charges for stormwater control facilities
- Section 35.67.030 - Adoption of plan-Ordinance
- Section 35.67.065 - General obligation bonds-Issuance
- Section 35.67.110 - General obligation bonds-Payment-Revenue from service charges
- Section 35.67.120 - Revenue bond fund-Authority to establish
- Section 35.67.130 - Revenue bond fund-Limitations upon creation
- Section 35.67.140 - Revenue bonds-Authority-Denominations-Terms
- Section 35.67.150 - Revenue bonds-Signatures-Form
- Section 35.67.160 - Revenue bonds-Obligation against fund, not city
- Section 35.67.170 - Revenue bonds-Sale of-Other disposition
- Section 35.67.180 - Revenue bonds-Remedy of owners
- Section 35.67.190 - Revenues from system-Classification of services-Minimum rates-Compulsory use
- Section 35.67.194 - Revenue bonds validated
- Section 35.67.200 - Sewerage lien-Authority
- Section 35.67.210 - Sewerage lien-Extent-Notice-Emergency declaration
- Section 35.67.215 - Sewerage lien-Extension of coverage
- Section 35.67.220 - Sewerage lien foreclosure-Parts-Tracts
- Section 35.67.230 - Sewerage lien foreclosure-Limitation on time of commencement
- Section 35.67.240 - Sewerage lien foreclosure-Procedure
- Section 35.67.250 - Sewerage lien foreclosure-Trial
- Section 35.67.260 - Sewerage lien foreclosure-Redemption
- Section 35.67.270 - Sewerage sale acquired property-Disposition
- Section 35.67.280 - Sewerage sale acquired property-Payment of delinquent taxes
- Section 35.67.290 - Sewerage lien-Enforcement-Alternative method
- Section 35.67.300 - Water-sewer districts and municipalities-Joint agreements
- Section 35.67.310 - Sewers-Outside city connections
- Section 35.67.331 - Water, sewerage, garbage systems-Combined facilities
- Section 35.67.340 - Statutes governing combined facility
- Section 35.67.350 - Penalty for sewer connection without permission
- Section 35.67.360 - Conservation of stormwater and sewer services-Use of public moneys
- Section 35.67.370 - Mobile home parks-Replacement of septic systems-Charges for unused sewer service
- Section 35.67.380 - Cooperative watershed management