Wash. Rev. Code § 35.27.230
The proceedings of the town council shall be kept in a book marked "records of council."
The town clerk shall keep a book marked "town accounts," in which shall be entered on the debit side all moneys received by the town including but not limited to proceeds from licenses and general taxes and in which shall be entered on the credit side all warrants drawn on the treasury.
He or she shall also keep a book marked "marshal's account" in which he or she shall charge the marshal with all licenses delivered to him or her and credit him or her with all money collected and paid in.
He or she shall also keep a book marked "treasurer's account" in which he or she shall keep a full account of the transactions of the town with the treasurer.
He or she shall also keep a book marked "licenses" in which he or she shall enter all licenses issued by him or her-the date thereof, to whom issued, for what, the time they expire, and the amount paid.
Each of the foregoing books, except the records of the council, shall have a general index sufficiently comprehensive to enable a person readily to ascertain matters contained therein.
He or she shall also keep a book marked "demands and warrants" in which he or she shall enter every demand against the town at the time of filing it. He or she shall state therein the final disposition of each demand and if it is allowed and a warrant drawn, he or she shall state the number of the warrant and its date. This book shall contain an index in which reference shall be made to each demand.
RCW 35.27.230