RCW 28A.320.190
Finding-Intent-Effective date- 2021 c 111 : See notes following RCW 28A.300.139.
Intent- 2019 c 252 : See note following RCW 28A.230.710.
Findings-2008 c 321: "The legislature finds that high school students need to graduate with the skills necessary to be successful in college and work. The state graduation requirements help to ensure that Washington high school graduates have the basic skills to be competitive in a global economy. Under education reform started in 1993, time was to be the variable, obtaining the skills was to be the constant. Therefore, students who need additional time to gain the academic skills needed for college and the workplace should have the opportunities they need to reach high academic achievement, even if that takes more than the standard four years of high school.
Different students face different challenges and barriers to their academic success. Some students struggle to meet the standard on a single portion of the Washington assessment of student learning while excelling in the other subject areas; other students struggle to complete the necessary state or local graduation credits; while still others have their knowledge tested on the assessments and have completed all the credit requirements but are struggling because English is not their first language. The legislature finds that many of these students need additional time and support to achieve academic proficiency and meet all graduation requirements." [ 2008 c 321 s 1.]