RCW 28A.320.170
Findings-Intent- 2015 c 198 : "The legislature recognizes the need to reaffirm the state's commitment to educating the citizens of our state, particularly the youth who are our future leaders, about tribal history, culture, treaty rights, contemporary tribal and state government institutions and relations and the contribution of Indian nations to the state of Washington. The legislature recognizes that this goal has yet to be achieved in most of our state's schools and districts. As a result, Indian students may not find the school curriculum, especially Washington state history curriculum, relevant to their lives or experiences. In addition, many students may remain uninformed about the experiences, contributions, and perspectives of their tribal neighbors, fellow citizens, and classmates. The legislature finds that more widespread use of the Since Time Immemorial curriculum developed by the office of the superintendent of public instruction and available free of charge to schools would contribute greatly towards helping improve school's history curriculum and improve the experiences Indian students have in our schools. Accordingly, the legislature finds that merely encouraging education regarding Washington's tribal history, culture, and government is not sufficient, and hereby declares its intent that such education be mandatory in Washington's common schools." [ 2015 c 198 s 1.]
Intent-Findings-2005 c 205: "It is the intent of the legislature to promote the full success of the centennial accord, which was signed by state and tribal government leaders in 1989. As those leaders declared in the subsequent millennial accord in 1999, this will require "educating the citizens of our state, particularly the youth who are our future leaders, about tribal history, culture, treaty rights, contemporary tribal and state government institutions and relations and the contribution of Indian nations to the state of Washington." The legislature recognizes that this goal has yet to be achieved in most of our state's schools and districts. As a result, Indian students may not find the school curriculum, especially Washington state history curriculum, relevant to their lives or experiences. In addition, many students may remain uninformed about the experiences, contributions, and perspectives of their tribal neighbors, fellow citizens, and classmates. The legislature further finds that the lack of accurate and complete curricula may contribute to the persistent achievement gap between Indian and other students. The legislature finds there is a need to establish collaborative government-to-government relationships between elected school boards and tribal councils to create local and/or regional curricula about tribal history and culture, and to promote dialogue and cultural exchanges that can help tribal leaders and school leaders implement strategies to close the achievement gap." [ 2005 c 205 s 1.]