Section 19.98.130 - Termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of dealer agreement-Notice(1) Except where a grounds for termination or nonrenewal of a dealer agreement or a substantial change in a dealer's competitive circumstances are contained in subsection (2)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f) of this section, a supplier shall give a dealer ninety days' written notice of the supplier's intent to terminate, cancel, or not renew a dealer agreement or substantially change the dealer's competitive circumstances. The notice shall state all reasons constituting good cause for termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal and shall provide, except for termination pursuant to subsection (2)(a), (b), (c), (d), or (e) of this section, that the dealer has sixty days in which to cure any claimed deficiency. If the deficiency is rectified within sixty days, the notice shall be void. The contractual terms of the dealer agreement shall not expire or the dealer's competitive circumstances shall not be substantially changed without the written consent of the dealer prior to the expiration of at least ninety days following such notice.(2) As used in RCW 19.98.100 through 19.98.150 and 19.98.911, a termination by a supplier of a dealer agreement shall be with good cause when the dealer: (a) Has transferred a controlling ownership interest in the dealership without the supplier's consent;(b) Has made a material misrepresentation to the supplier;(c) Has filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or has had an involuntary petition in bankruptcy filed against the dealer which has not been discharged within sixty days after the filing, is in default under the provisions of a security agreement in effect with the supplier, or is insolvent or in receivership;(d) Has been convicted of a crime, punishable for a term of imprisonment for one year or more;(e) Has failed to operate in the normal course of business for ten consecutive business days or has terminated the business;(f) Has relocated the dealer's place of business without supplier's consent;(g) Has consistently engaged in business practices that are detrimental to the consumer or supplier by way of excessive pricing, misleading advertising, or failure to provide service and replacement parts or perform warranty obligations;(h) Has inadequately represented the supplier over a measured period causing lack of performance in sales, service, or warranty areas and failed to achieve market penetration at levels consistent with similarly situated dealerships in the state based on available record information;(i) Has consistently failed to meet building and housekeeping requirements or failed to provide adequate sales, service, or parts personnel commensurate with the dealer agreement;(j) Has consistently failed to comply with the applicable licensing laws pertaining to the products and services being represented for and on supplier's behalf; or(k) Has consistently failed to comply with the terms of the dealer agreement.(3)(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, before the termination or nonrenewal of a dealer agreement based upon a supplier's claim that the dealer has failed to meet reasonable marketing criteria or market penetration, the supplier shall provide written notice of its intention at least one year in advance.(b) Upon the end of the one-year period established in this subsection (3), the supplier may terminate or elect not to renew the dealer agreement only upon written notice specifying the reasons for determining that the dealer failed to meet reasonable marketing criteria or market penetration. The notice must specify that termination or nonrenewal is effective one hundred eighty days from the date of the notice.