Wash. Rev. Code § 19.31.020
Unless a different meaning is clearly required by the context, the following words and phrases, as hereinafter used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings:
In addition the term "employment agency" shall mean and include any person, bureau, employment listing service, employment directory, organization, or school which for profit, by advertisement or otherwise, offers, as one of its main objects or purposes, to procure employment for any person who pays for its services, or which collects tuition, or charges for service of any nature, where the main object of the person paying the same is to secure employment. It also includes any business that provides a resume to an individual and provides that person with a list of names to whom the resume may be sent or provides that person with preaddressed envelopes to be mailed by the individual or by the business itself, if the list of names or the preaddressed envelopes have been compiled and are represented by the business as having job openings. The term "employment agency" shall not include labor union organizations, temporary service contractors, proprietary schools operating within the scope of activities for which the school is licensed under chapter 28C.10 RCW, nonprofit schools and colleges, career guidance and counseling services, employment directories that are sold in a manner that allows the applicant to examine the directory before purchase, theatrical agencies, farm labor contractors, or the Washington state employment agency.
RCW 19.31.020
Reviser's note: The definitions in this section have been alphabetized pursuant to RCW 1.08.015(2)(k).