Section 19.27.120 - Buildings or structures having special historical or architectural significance-Exception(1) Repairs, alterations, and additions necessary for the preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, strengthening, or continued use of a building or structure may be made without conformance to all of the requirements of the codes adopted under RCW 19.27.031, when authorized by the appropriate building official under the rules adopted under subsection (2) of this section, provided:(a) The building or structure: (i) Has been designated by official action of a legislative body as having special historical or architectural significance, or (ii) is an unreinforced masonry building or structure on the state or the national register of historic places, or is potentially eligible for placement on such registers; and(b) The restored building or structure will be less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing building.(2) The state building code council shall adopt rules, where appropriate, to provide alternative methods to those otherwise required under this chapter for repairs, alterations, and additions necessary for preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, strengthening, or continued use of buildings and structures identified under subsection (1) of this section.