If such a person's sales of milk in fluid form subsequent to the adoption of the plan increases such that those sales in any year are more than fifty percent greater than the sales of milk in fluid form from the producer facilities during any of the previous five years, RCW 15.35.310(1) does not apply to that person with regard to that plan. Such a producer-dealer shall be a fully regulated producer under such an approved plan and shall receive a quota which is not less than the producer-dealer's sales of milk in fluid form during the reference period used by the director in determining quotas for producers. Such a producer-dealer shall also be a fully regulated dealer under the terms of such an approved plan.
If changes are made, on a market area-wide basis, to the quotas established under the plan, the director shall by rule adjust the fifty percent limitation provided by this section by an equivalent amount.
RCW 15.35.115