74 Pa. Stat. § 120.76

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-127
Section 120.76 - Consent to acquisition of land

The consent of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is hereby granted in accordance with the seventeenth clause, eighth section of the first article of the Constitution of the United States, to the acquisition by the United States of America of two tracts of land lying in the County of Chester, Pennsylvania, for use in connection with a military reservation officially designated Valley Forge General Hospital, the first being bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the beginning of the land described in a deed from Richard W. Foster et al., Executors and Trustees under the Will of Frank B. Foster, deceased, to the United States of America dated 22 June 1942, said place of beginning being also at the intersection of the public road leading from Phoenixville to Charlestown Village with the center line of the State Highway leading to Kimberton, and running thence with and binding on the center of the first above mentioned road the two (2) following courses and distances, viz: North 39°39' East 2265.33 feet and North 40°30' East 583.18 feet, thence South 47°17' East, binding on land now or formerly belonging to R. H. Vollmer, 1714.38 feet, thence North 42°59' East 420 feet, thence south 47°17' East 1565.85 feet to the center line of Bridge Street, thence South 42°59' West binding thereon 420 feet to land now or formerly belonging to Luke T. Butt, thence binding on said Butt land the three (3) following courses and distances, viz: North 47°17' West 210.05 feet, South 42°59' West 106.10 feet and South 47°17' East 210.05 feet to the center line of Bridge Street aforesaid, thence with and binding thereon the two (2) following courses and distances, viz: South 42°59' West 546.55 feet and South 43°30' West 1287.60 feet to the center line of Kimberton Road above mentioned, and thence with and binding thereon the eight (8) following courses and distances, viz: North 52°50' West 726.18 feet, North 53°50' West 527.25 feet, North 40°33' West 532.70 feet, North 75°40'30" West 49.07 feet, South 60°12' West 320.15 feet, South 89°08' West 226.2 feet, North 67°14' West 431.35 feet and North 68°10' West 626.07 feet to the place of beginning, containing 180 acres of land, more or less.

The second tract of land is bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point, which point is North 47°38' West 35 feet from the end of the center line of the 10 foot easement for a right-of-way for a water line, said place of beginning being the Northwest corner of the herein described land, and running thence South 42°22' West 200 feet, South 47°38' East 200 feet, North 42°22' East 200 feet and North 47°38' West 200 feet to the place of beginning, containing .918 acre of land, more or less.

74 P.S. § 120.76

1945, April 4, P.L. 133, § 1.