74 Pa. Stat. § 53

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-127
Section 53 - Main reservation; consent to acquisition

The consent of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is hereby granted, in accordance with the seventeenth clause eighth section of the first article of the Constitution of the United States, to the acquisition by the United States of America of two tracts of land in the City and County of Philadelphia, known as the Frankford Arsenal, the first tract known as the "Main Reservation" being bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the Northwest corner of the reservation, which is the point of intersection of the center lines of Tacony and Bridge Streets, in the City and County aforesaid and running thence: Along the said center line of Tacony Street the following three courses:

(1) N. 80°23'15" E., 802.26 feet to a point; thence: (2) N. 67°42'15" E., 1,157.75 feet to a point; thence: (3) N. 52°42'15" E., 490.35 feet to a point in the Westerly right-of-way line of the Kensington and Tacony Railroad (now Pennsylvania Railroad); thence:

Along the said Westerly right-of-way line the following five courses: (4) Southeasterly, 132.03 feet, along the arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 1,418 feet and a central angle of 5°19', the bearing and length of the subchord being South 38°22'45" E., 131.99 feet, to the point of tangency; (5) S. 35°40'30" E., 1,331.16 feet, along the tangent to said curve to the point of beginning of a curve to the right; (6) Southerly, 491.52 feet, along the arc of said curve to the right with a radius of 463 feet and a central angle of 60°49'30", the bearing and length of long chord being S. 5°19'00" E., 468.78 feet, to the point of tangency; (7) S. 25°05'45" W., 223.47 feet, along the tangent to said curve to the point of beginning of a curve to the right; (8) Southwesterly, 192.19 feet along the arc of said curve to the right with a radius of 2,849.93 feet and a central angle of 3°51'50", the bearing and length of subchord being S. 27°01'40" W., 192.16 feet, to a point in the outer face of channel wall along the Northerly bank of Frankford Creek; thence: Along the said outer face of channel wall coincident with low water line of Frankford Creek the following four courses; (9) S. 84°18'05" W., 78.13 feet, to a point; (10) N. 61°25'25" W., 503.38 feet, to angle point; (11) N. 56°38'55" W., 329.18 feet, to an angle point; (12) N. 61°29'55" W., 132.72 feet, to an angle point; thence: (13) Westerly, 455 feet, more or less, along low water line to an angle point in said wall, the bearings and distances along the outer face of said wall (not the true boundary) from beginning to end of course No. 13 being as follows: (13-a.) N. 84°14'10" W., 58.27 feet, to an angle point; (13-b.) N. 69°24'05" W., 174.62 feet, to an angle point; (13-c.) S. 49°44'05" W., 24.96 feet, to an angle point; (13-d.) S. 33°20'45" W., 113.53 feet, to an angle point; (13-e.) S. 32°52'25" W., 55.73 feet, to an angle point; (13-f.) S. 59°55'40" W., 27.35 feet, to an angle point; (13-g.) S. 69°06'05" W., 10.30 feet, to an angle point; then along the said outer face of channel wall coincident with low water line of Frankford Creek, the following seven courses: (14) S. 73°50'45" W., 16.47 feet, to an angle point; (15) S. 73°26'15" W., 11.27 feet, to an angle point; (16) N. 88°51'45" W., 8.71 feet, to an angle point; (17) S. 82°05'15" W., 25.44 feet, to an angle point; (18) N. 86°39'45" W., 76.62 feet, to an angle point; (19) N. 84°44'45" W., 93.69 feet, to an angle point; (20) N. 83°05'45" W., 217.72 feet, to an angle point; thence: (21) Westerly, 545 feet, more or less, along the low water line, coincident in part with the Southerly face of abandoned wharf, to an angle point in said wall, the bearings and distances along the outer face of said wall (not the true boundary) from beginning to end of course No. 21 being as follows: (21-a.) N. 84°12'25" W., 41.31 feet, to an angle point; (21-b.) S. 80°59'15" W., 233.06 feet, to an angle point; (21-c.) S. 84°55'05" W., 100.11 feet, along the wharf site to an angle point; (21-d.) S. 75°05'35" W., 73.61 feet, to an angle point; (21-e.) S. 67°18'15" W., 95.97 feet, to an angle point; thence: (22) S. 67°52'35" W., 116.64 feet, along the outer face of said channel wall coincident with low water line of Frankford Creek, to an angle point; thence: (23) Westerly 323 feet, more or less, along the said low water line to a point; from which point the bearing and distance to the intersection of the face of said channel wall with the Easterly face of the stone post at the end of the stone wall along Bridge Street is N. 4°15'50" E., 21.79 feet, from said intersection the bearing and distance along the face of said channel wall (not the true boundary), to the point of beginning of course No. 23 is N. 61°11'35" E., 304.86 feet; thence: (24) N. 19°00'00" W., 66 feet, along the Easterly edge of a former road to a point; thence: (25) S. 71°00'00" W., 16.5 feet, to a point in the center line of Bridge Street; thence: (26) N. 19°00'00" W., 547.58 feet, along the said center line of Bridge Street to a point; thence: (27) N. 12°11'25" W., 627.67 feet, along the said center line to the point of beginning.

The main reservation as above described containing an area of 87.73 acres, more or less, subject to an easement to the City of Philadelphia, dated October 16, 1926, for right-of-way for sewer purposes.

The second tract known as Parcel A, being described as follows:

Beginning at the corner in the present sea wall which marks the intersection of the pierhead line and bulkhead line of the Delaware River at the mouth of Frankford Creek as established in 1908 and running thence:

(1) N. 87°02'17" W., 44.99 feet, along the outer face of said sea wall on the North side of said creek to a point; thence: (2) S. 84°18'05" W., 70.04 feet, continuing along said wall, to a point in the Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Kensington and Tacony Railroad (now Pennsylvania Railroad), which point is 15.00 feet distant Easterly measured at right angles from the center line of the right-of-way of said railroad; thence: (3) Northeasterly, 173.55 feet, along the said right-of-way line, 15.00 feet distant from, and parallel to said center line, following a curve to the left, with a radius of 2,879.93 feet, and a central angle of 3°27'10", the bearing and distance of the subchord being N. 26°49'20" E., 173.52 feet, to the point of tangency; thence: (4) N. 25°05'45" E., 512.72 feet, along said right-of-way line which is the tangent to said curve to the extreme Northerly corner of parcel; thence: (5) S. 35°43'30" E., 500.22 feet, to the pierhead line in Delaware River, intersecting the outer face of concrete sea wall at a point 197.13 feet from beginning of course; thence: (6) S. 32°20'10" W., 262.76 feet, along said pierhead line, downstream, to a point; thence: (7) N. 87°25'15" W., 331.35 feet, along the pierhead line of 1908, to the point of beginning.

The parcel as described contains an area of 4.532 acres, more or less, of which 1.904 acres, more or less, are upland and 2.628 acres, more or less, are submerged lands, together with any rights to submerged lands the United States may have acquired by the revised pierhead line of 1921.

The entire reservation consisting of the main reservation and Parcel A contains an area of 92.26 acres, more or less, of which 2.628 acres, more or less, are submerged lands together with any rights to submerged lands the United States may have acquired by the revised pierhead line of 1921, excepting, however, those tracts over which jurisdiction was ceded by sections three and four of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the thirteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred forty (Pamphlet Laws, six hundred seventy-nine), entitled "An act to authorize the Lewisburg and Jersey Shore Turnpike Road and Bridge Company, to erect gates and receive tolls, and for other purposes," and the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the thirtieth day of March, one thousand nine hundred seventeen (Pamphlet Laws, twenty-nine), entitled "An act giving the consent of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the purchase by the United States of land contiguous to the Frankford Arsenal, in Philadelphia County, for arsenal purposes, and ceding jurisdiction over said land; and providing for the retention of concurrent jurisdiction by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with the United States, over said land for the service of legal processes thereupon."

74 P.S. § 53

1943, May 21, P.L. 554, No. 244, § 1.