74 Pa. Stat. § 51

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-127
Section 51 - Land adjoining Frankford Arsenal in Philadelphia

The consent of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is hereby granted to the purchase by the government of the United States of certain tracts of land, in all approximately twenty-eight acres in extent, adjoining the Frankford Arsenal in the city and county of Philadelphia, for an addition to the said arsenal for arsenal purposes; said tracts of land being more particularly described as follows:--

One of them beginning at a point in the middle of Tacony street, corner of land of the Kensington and Tacony Railroad, at the distance of two hundred and two feet eight inches northeast from the northeast line of Sanger street; thence extending southeastwardly along said land, one a line curving toward the right, with a radius of fourteen hundred and eighteen feet, a distance of one hundred and thirty-two feet and three-eighths of an inch to a point; thence, still along said land, the following three courses and distances:

(1) South, thirty-three degrees fifty-eight minutes fifty-seven seconds east, thirteen hundred and twenty-seven feet nine and one-fourth inches to a point; (2) on a line curving toward the right, with a radius of four hundred and sixty-three feet, a distance of four hundred and ninety-one feet nine and one-half inches; and (3) south, twenty-six degrees fifty-two minutes thirty-three seconds west, three hundred and twenty-six feet six inches, to a corner in the lines of lands of the said railroad and the United States of America, "Frankford Arsenal;" thence, along the said last mentioned land, the following three courses and distances: North, thirty-nine degrees fifty-seven minutes fifty-seven seconds west, nine hundred and six feet and two and three-eighths inches to a point; north, twenty-five degrees fifty-two minutes thirty-three seconds west, four hundred and eighty-nine feet and eleven and seven-eighths inches to a point; and north, twenty-eight degrees fifty-nine minutes fifty-seven seconds west, six hundred and twenty-five feet eight and one-eighth inches, to the said middle line of Tacony street; and thence along the same, north, fifty-four degrees twenty-seven minutes three seconds east, four hundred and eighty-seven feet and nine inches, to the place of beginning,--containing twenty-three acres and seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-five ten thousandths of an acre, more or less.

One other of them, beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of the said Kensington and Tacony Railroad and a point on the southwesterly line of land now or late of Edwin H. Fitler; thence, by land of said Edwin H. Fitler, south, thirty-three degrees fifty-eight minutes fifty-seven seconds east, one hundred and ninety-five feet nine and five-eighths inches to a point in the bulkhead line of the river Delaware, approved by the War Department of the said United States of America on the fourth day of September, 1908; thence, by said line, south, thirty-four degrees thirty-eight minutes twenty seconds west, five hundred and forty-one feet and one-eighth of an inch, to a point; thence, north, eighty-five degrees forty minutes forty-one seconds west, forty feet five and seven-eighths inches to a point, a corner of land of the said United States of America; and thence, north, thirty-nine degrees fifty-seven minutes fifty-seven seconds west, sixty-three feet five and one-fourth inches, to a point in the said southeasterly line of said Kensington and Tacony Railroad; and thence, along the same, north, twenty-six degrees fifty-two minutes thirty-three seconds east, six hundred and twenty-eight feet ten and seven-eighths inches, to the place of beginning,--containing one acre and eight thousand six hundred and thirty ten-thousandths of an acre of land.

And the other of them, beginning at a point in said bulkhead line first above mentioned and the southwesterly line of land of the said Edwin H. Fitler; thence, south, thirty-three degrees fifty-eight minutes fifty-seven seconds east, three hundred and four feet five and one-eighth inches, to a point in the pierhead line approved by the said War Department on the date aforesaid; thence, along the same, south, thirty-four degrees four minutes forty-four seconds west, two hundred and sixty-two feet nine and three-eighths inches, to a point; thence, still along said pierhead line, north, eighty-five degrees forty minutes forty-one seconds west, three hundred and thirty-one feet four and one-fourth inches, to a point in the said bulkhead line; and thence, along the same, north, four degrees thirty-eight minutes twenty seconds each, five hundred and forty-one feet and one-eighth of an inch, to the place of beginning,--containing two acres and six thousand two hundred and eighty ten-thousandths of an acre, more or less.

74 P.S. § 51

1917, March 30, P.L. 29, § 1.