Section 398.11.3 - Notice Requirements in Event of Closure of Manufactured Home Community(a)The notice given to the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency under section 11.2 shall be sent by certified mail and shall be addressed to the legal department of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency .(b) ( 1) Within 60 days of the effective date of this section, the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency shall publish a notice in both the Pennsylvania Bulletin and on its p ublicly accessible Internet website that it is compiling a list of parties interested in receiving copies of any notice received by it under sections 11.1 and 11.2 and inviting the parties to provide their contact information to receive notices of community sales or closures. Interested parties may indicate their region of the State or that they operate Statewide. (2) The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency shall send copies of notices it receives under this section to parties on the list that are Statewide or within the region the parties identify. Notices shall be sent by regular mail or by electronic mail within ten calendar days of the legal department's receipt of a notice.(3)Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to create any liability for the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency or otherwise to affect the transfer of any real property in the event there is a failure to provide notice in accordance with this act.(c) A notice given pursuant to section 11.2(a)(1) shall be:(1) Delivered to an adult resident of each manufactured home space within the manufactured home community or mailed by first class mail to the resident or tenant of each space.(2) Posted in the same conspicuous and readily accessible place in the manufactured home community where the community rules and regulations are posted, pursuant to section 4.(d) A notice given pursuant to section 11.2(a)(2) shall be given personally to the prospective resident or known prospective tenant.Added by P.L. 1267 2012 No. 156, § 2, eff. 12/23/2012.