Certificates of qualification to mine foremen, assistant mine foremen and mine examiner shall be granted by the Secretary of Mines and Mineral Industries to every applicant who may be reported by the examiners as having passed a satisfactory examination and as having given satisfactory evidence of at least five years' practical experience as a miner, and of good conduct, capability and sobriety. The certificate shall be in manner and form as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of Mines and Mineral Industries and a record of all certificates issued shall be kept in the department. Certificates of qualification and certificates of service shall contain the full name, age and place of birth of the applicant, and also the length and nature of his previous service in or about the mines. Before the examination for certificates of qualification to mine foremen, assistant mine foremen, and mine examiners in the anthracite mines, each applicant shall pay a fee of two dollars ($2), and each successful applicant shall pay an additional fee of three dollars ($3) before receiving a certificate. The money thus received from applicants shall be transmitted to the Secretary of the Department of Mines and Mineral Industries to be deposited in the State Treasury. In case of the loss or destruction of a certificate, the Secretary of Mines and Mineral Industries shall, upon the presentation of satisfactory evidence of the loss or destruction, issue a copy of the certificate, to the original possessor, on the payment of the sum of one dollar ($1).
52 P.S. § 70-205