When the question is in respect to the granting of liquor licenses, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses for the sale of liquor in...................................... Yes
Of.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of liquor licenses to resort facilities in those municipalities that do not already allow the retail sale of liquor, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses to resort facilities for the sale of liquor in the............... Yes
Of.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of liquor licenses to ski resorts in those municipalities that do not already allow the retail sale of liquor, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses to ski resort facilities for the sale of liquor in the Yes
................. Of................................ No
When the question is in respect to the granting of restaurant liquor licenses for use at public venues in those municipalities that do not already allow the retail sale of liquor, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses to public venues for the sale of liquor in the................... Yes
Of.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of restaurant liquor licenses for use at performing arts facilities in those municipalities that do not already allow the retail sale of alcohol, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses to performing arts facilities for the sale of liquor in the................................................... Yes
Of................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of liquor licenses for hotels located on property owned by an accredited college or university in those municipalities that do not already allow the granting of liquor licenses, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses to hotels on property owned by an accredited college or university in the..................................... Yes
Of................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of liquor licenses, for privately-owned private golf courses, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses for privately-owned private golf courses for the sale of liquor in.................... By........................ Yes
Of.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of liquor licenses, for privately-owned public golf courses, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses for privately-owned public golf courses for the sale of liquor in.................... By........................ Yes
Of.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of liquor licenses to continuing care retirement communities in those municipalities that have not already approved the granting of liquor licenses, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses for continuing care retirement communities in........................... By........................ Yes
Of.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of licenses to retail dispensers of malt and brewed beverages, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of malt and brewed beverage retail dispenser licenses for consumption on premises where sold in the..................................... Yes
Of................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of licenses to wholesale distributors of malt or brewed beverages and importing distributors, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of malt and brewed beverage wholesale distributor's and importing distributor's licenses not for consumption on premises where sold in the................................................... Yes
Of.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of club liquor licenses to incorporated units of national veterans' organizations, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of club liquor licenses to incorporated units of national veterans' organizations in the................................................. Yes
Of.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of club retail dispenser licenses to incorporated units of national veterans' organizations, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of club retail dispenser licenses to incorporated units of national veterans' organizations in the................................... Yes
Of.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of special occasion permits allowing the sale of liquor by qualified organizations in municipalities that do not already allow the retail sale of liquor, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of special occasion permits to allow the sale of liquor by qualified organizations in the................................................. Yes
Of.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of special occasion permits allowing the sale of malt or brewed beverages only by qualified organizations in municipalities that do not already allow the retail sale of malt or brewed beverages, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of special occasion permits to allow the sale of malt or brewed beverages only by qualified organizations in the......................... Yes
Of.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the establishment, operation and maintenance of Pennsylvania liquor stores it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the establishment, operation and maintenance of Pennsylvania liquor stores in the................................................... Yes
Of................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of liquor licenses to an airport authority in those municipalities that do not already allow the retail sale of liquor, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses to an airport authority for the sale of liquor in the................................................... Yes
Of................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of brewery licenses, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of brewery licenses for the sale of malt or brewed beverages by the case, by the keg and by the glass for consumption on premises, plus the sale of wine and spirits by the glass for consumption on premises, in..................................................... Yes
By.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of brewery storage licenses, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of brewery storage licenses for the sale of malt or brewed beverages by the case, by the keg and by the glass for consumption on premises, plus the sale of wine and spirits by the glass for consumption on premises, in............................ Yes
By.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of limited distillery licenses, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of limited distillery licenses for the sale of spirits by the bottle to go and by the glass for consumption on premises, plus the sale of wine and malt or brewed beverages for consumption on premises, in........................................... Yes
By.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of additional licenses for board-approved limited distillery locations, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of additional licenses for board-approved limited distillery locations for the sale of spirits by the bottle to go and by the glass for consumption on premises, plus the sale of wine and malt or brewed beverages for consumption on premises, in..................................................... Yes
By.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of limited winery licenses, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of limited winery licenses for the sale of wine by the bottle to go and by the glass for consumption on premises, plus the sale of spirits and malt or brewed beverages for consumption on premises, in..................................................... Yes
By.................................................... No
When the question is in respect to the granting of additional licenses for board-approved limited winery locations, it shall be in the following form:
Do you favor the granting of additional licenses for board-approved limited winery locations for the sale of wine by the bottle to go and by the glass for consumption on premises, plus the sale of spirits and malt or brewed beverages for consumption on premises, in..................................................... Yes
By.................................................... No
In case of a tie vote, the status quo shall obtain. If a majority of the voting electors on any such question vote "yes," then liquor licenses shall be granted by the board to hotels, restaurants, ski resorts, resort facilities and clubs, or liquor licenses shall be granted by the board to public venues, to performing arts facilities, to continuing care retirement communities, to hotels located on property owned by an accredited college or university, to privately-owned private golf courses or to privately-owned public golf courses, or malt and brewed beverage retail dispenser licenses or wholesale distributor's and importing distributor's license for the sale of malt or brewed beverages shall be granted by the board, or club liquor licenses or club retail dispenser licenses shall be granted by the board to incorporated units of national veterans' organizations, or special occasion permits may be issued to qualified organizations, or the board may establish, operate and maintain Pennsylvania liquor stores, as the case may be, in such municipality or part of a split municipality, as provided by this act; but if a majority of the electors voting on any such question vote "no," then the board shall have no power to grant or to renew upon their expiration any licenses of the class so voted upon in such municipality or part of a split municipality; or if the negative vote is on the question in respect to the establishment, operation and maintenance of Pennsylvania liquor stores, the board shall not open and operate a Pennsylvania liquor store in such municipality or part of a split municipality, nor continue to operate a then existing Pennsylvania liquor store in the municipality or part of a split municipality for more than two years thereafter or after the expiration of the term of the lease on the premises occupied by such store, whichever period is less, unless and until at a later election a majority of the voting electors vote "yes" on such question.
47 P.S. § 4-472