46 Pa. Stat. § 65
The entire membership of the House of Representatives and the entire membership of the Senate shall constitute a continuing joint legislative commission, to be known as the Joint State Government Commission. The President pro tempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the majority and minority leaders of each house, the majority and minority whips of each house, and the chairman of the majority and minority caucuses of each house, shall constitute the executive committee of the commission. The President pro tempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the majority and minority leaders of each house, the majority and minority whips of each house, and the chairman of the majority and minority caucuses of each house may designate any member of the Senate or House, respectively, to act in their stead and to serve at their discretion as a member of the executive committee. The commission shall organize by the selection of a chairman who shall be selected by the executive committee and who shall be ex officio a member of the executive committee without a vote. The commission shall have power to employ a director and such professional, technical, clerical and other assistance as may be deemed necessary. The commission shall have power to call upon any department or agency of the State Government for such information as it deems pertinent to the studies in which it is engaged. The commission shall also have the power to designate persons, other than members of the General Assembly, to act in advisory capacities. The commission shall organize within thirty days after the final enactment of this act, and thereafter the executive committee shall hold the organization meeting within thirty days after the convening of the regular session of the General Assembly in odd-numbered years beginning with the regular session of 1957. Meetings of the commission shall be scheduled by the executive committee. The executive committee shall conduct the business of the commission and shall meet at the call of the chairman or upon written request of six or more members thereof.
46 P.S. § 65