Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-127
Section 1303.712 - Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Fund(a) Establishment.--There is hereby established within the State Treasury a special fund to be known as the Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Fund. Money in the fund shall be used to pay claims against participating health care providers for losses or damages awarded in medical professional liability actions against them in excess of the basic insurance coverage required by section 711(d) , liabilities transferred in accordance with subsection (b) and for the administration of the fund.(b) Transfer of assets and liabilities.--(1)(i) The money in the Medical Professional Liability Catastrophe Loss Fund established under section 701(d) of the former act of October 15, 1975 (P.L. 390, No. 111) , known as the Health Care Services Malpractice Act, is transferred to the fund.(ii) The rights of the Medical Professional Liability Catastrophe Loss Fund established under section 701(d) of the former Health Care Services Malpractice Act are transferred to and assumed by the fund.(2) The liabilities and obligations of the Medical Professional Liability Catastrophe Loss Fund established under section 701(d) of the former Health Care Services Malpractice Act are transferred to and assumed by the fund.(c) Fund liability limits.--(1) For calendar year 2002, the limit of liability of the fund created in section 701(d) of the former Health Care Services Malpractice Act for each health care provider that conducts more than 50% of its health care business or practice within this Commonwealth and for each hospital shall be $700,000 for each occurrence and $2,100,000 per annual aggregate.(2) The limit of liability of the fund for each participating health care provider shall be as follows: (i) For calendar year 2003 and each year thereafter, the limit of liability of the fund shall be $500,000 for each occurrence and $1,500,000 per annual aggregate.(ii) If the basic insurance coverage requirement is increased in accordance with section 711(d)(3) and, notwithstanding subparagraph (i), for each calendar year following the increase in the basic insurance coverage requirement, the limit of liability of the fund shall be $250,000 for each occurrence and $750,000 per annual aggregate.(iii) If the basic insurance coverage requirement is increased in accordance with section 711(d)(4) and, notwithstanding subparagraphs (i) and (ii), for each calendar year following the increase in the basic insurance coverage requirement, the limit of liability of the fund shall be zero.(d) Assessments.--(1) For calendar year 2003 and for each year thereafter, the fund shall be funded by an assessment on each participating health care provider. Assessments shall be levied by the department on or after January 1 of each year. The assessment shall be based on the prevailing primary premium for each participating health care provider and shall, in the aggregate, produce an amount sufficient to do all of the following: (i) Reimburse the fund for the payment of reported claims which became final during the preceding claims period.(ii) Pay expenses of the fund incurred during the preceding claims period.(iii) Pay principal and interest on moneys transferred into the fund in accordance with section 713(c) . (iv) Provide a reserve that shall be 10% of the sum of subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iii).(2) The department shall notify all basic insurance coverage insurers and self-insured participating health care providers of the assessment by November 1 for the succeeding calendar year.(3) Any appeal of the assessment shall be filed with the department.(e) Discount on surcharges and assessments.--(1) For calendar year 2002, the department shall discount the aggregate surcharge imposed under section 701(e)(1) of the Health Care Services Malpractice Act by 5% of the aggregate surcharge imposed under that section for calendar year 2001 in accordance with the following: (i) Fifty percent of the aggregate discount shall be granted equally to hospitals and to participating health care providers that were surcharged as members of one of the four highest rate classes of the prevailing primary premium.(ii) Notwithstanding subparagraph (i), 50% of the aggregate discount shall be granted equally to all participating health care providers.(iii) The department shall issue a credit to a participating health care provider who, prior to the effective date of this section, has paid the surcharge imposed under section 701(e)(1) of the former Health Care Services Malpractice Act for calendar year 2002 prior to the effective date of this section.(2) For calendar years 2003 and 2004, the department shall discount the aggregate assessment imposed under subsection (d) for each calendar year by 10% of the aggregate surcharge imposed under section 701(e)(1) of the former Health Care Services Malpractice Act for calendar year 2001 in accordance with the following: (i) Fifty percent of the aggregate discount shall be granted equally to hospitals and to participating health care providers that were assessed as members of one of the four highest rate classes of the prevailing primary premium.(ii) Notwithstanding subparagraph (i), 50% of the aggregate discount shall be granted equally to all participating health care providers.(3) For calendar years 2005 and thereafter, if the basic insurance coverage requirement is increased in accordance with section 711(d)(3) or (4), the department may discount the aggregate assessment imposed under subsection (d) by an amount not to exceed the aggregate sum to be deposited in the fund in accordance with subsection (m).(f) Updated rates.--The joint underwriting association shall file updated rates for all health care providers with the commissioner by May 1 of each year. The department shall review and may adjust the prevailing primary premium in line with any applicable changes which have been approved by the commissioner.(g) Additional adjustments of the prevailing primary premium.--The department shall adjust the applicable prevailing primary premium of each participating health care provider in accordance with the following: (1) The applicable prevailing primary premium of a participating health care provider which is not a hospital may be adjusted through an increase in the individual participating health care provider's prevailing primary premium not to exceed 20%. Any adjustment shall be based upon the frequency of claims paid by the fund on behalf of the individual participating health care provider during the past five most recent claims periods and shall be in accordance with the following: (i) If three claims have been paid during the past five most recent claims periods by the fund, a 10% increase shall be charged.(ii) If four or more claims have been paid during the past five most recent claims periods by the fund, a 20% increase shall be charged.(2) The applicable prevailing primary premium of a participating health care provider which is not a hospital and which has not had an adjustment under paragraph (1) may be adjusted through an increase in the individual participating health care provider's prevailing primary premium not to exceed 20%. Any adjustment shall be based upon the severity of at least two claims paid by the fund on behalf of the individual participating health care provider during the past five most recent claims periods.(3) The applicable prevailing primary premium of a participating health care provider not engaged in direct clinical practice on a full-time basis may be adjusted through a decrease in the individual participating health care provider's prevailing primary premium not to exceed 10%. Any adjustment shall be based upon the lower risk associated with the less-than-full-time direct clinical practice.(4) The applicable prevailing primary premium of a hospital may be adjusted through an increase or decrease in the individual hospital's prevailing primary premium not to exceed 20%. Any adjustment shall be based upon the frequency and severity of claims paid by the fund on behalf of other hospitals of similar class, size, risk and kind within the same defined region during the past five most recent claims periods.(h) Self-insured health care providers.--A participating health care provider that has an approved self-insurance plan shall be assessed an amount equal to the assessment imposed on a participating health care provider of like class, size, risk and kind as determined by the department.(i) Change in basic insurance coverage.--If a participating health care provider changes the term of its medical professional liability insurance coverage, the assessment shall be calculated on an annual basis and shall reflect the assessment percentages in effect for the period over which the policies are in effect.(j) Payment of claims.--Claims which became final during the preceding claims period shall be paid on or before December 31 following the August 31 on which they became final.(k) Termination.--Upon satisfaction of all liabilities of the fund, the fund shall terminate. Any balance remaining in the fund upon such termination shall be returned by the department to the participating health care providers who participated in the fund in proportion to their assessments in the preceding calendar year.(l) Sole and exclusive source of funding.--Except as provided in subsection (m), the surcharges imposed under section 701(e)(1) of the Health Care Services Malpractice Act and assessments on participating health care providers and any income realized by investment or reinvestment shall constitute the sole and exclusive sources of funding for the fund. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit the fund from accepting contributions from nongovernmental sources. A claim against or a liability of the fund shall not be deemed to constitute a debt or liability of the Commonwealth or a charge against the General Fund.(m) Repealed by 2011, June 30, P.L. 159, No. 26, § 13(4)(ii), imd. effective.(n) Waiver of right to consent to settlement.--A participating health care provider may maintain the right to consent to a settlement in a basic insurance coverage policy for medical professional liability insurance upon the payment of an additional premium amount. 2002, March 20, P.L. 154, No. 13, § 712. Affected 2011, June 30, P.L. 159, No. 26, § 13(4)(ii), imd. effective.