40 Pa. Stat. § 991.1302a

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 991.1302a - Required contract provisions

Written contracts between controlling brokers and controlled insurers required pursuant to section 1302 must contain the following minimum provisions:

(1) The controlled insurer may terminate the contract for cause, upon written notice to the controlling broker. The controlled insurer shall suspend the authority of the controlling broker to write business during the pendency of any dispute regarding the cause for the termination;
(2) The controlling broker shall render accounts to the controlled insurer detailing all material transactions, including information necessary to support all commissions, charges and other fees received by, or owing to, the controlling broker;
(3) The controlling broker shall remit all funds due under the terms of the contract to the controlled insurer on at least a monthly basis. The due date shall be fixed so that premiums or initial installments thereof collected shall be remitted no later than ninety (90) days after the effective date of any policy placed with the controlled insurer under the contract;
(4) All funds collected for the controlled insurer's account shall be held by the controlling broker in a fiduciary capacity, in one or more appropriately identified bank accounts in banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System, in accordance with the provisions of the insurance law as applicable. However, funds of a controlling broker not required to be licensed in this Commonwealth shall be maintained in compliance with the requirements of the controlling broker's domiciliary jurisdiction;
(5) The controlling broker shall maintain separately identifiable records of business written for the controlled insurer;
(6) The contract shall not be assigned in whole or in part by the controlling broker;
(7) The controlled insurer shall provide the controlling broker with its underwriting standards, rules and procedures, manuals setting forth the rates to be charged, and the conditions for the acceptance or rejection of risks. The controlling broker shall adhere to the standards, rules, procedures, rates and conditions. The standards, rules, procedures, rates and conditions shall be the same as those applicable to comparable business placed with the controlled insurer by a broker other than the controlling broker;
(8) The rates and terms of the controlling broker's commissions, charges or other fees and the purposes for those charges or fees. The rates of the commissions, charges and other fees shall be no greater than those applicable to comparable business placed with the controlled insurer by brokers other than controlling brokers. For purposes of this paragraph and paragraph (7), examples of "comparable business" include the same lines of insurance, same kinds of insurance, same kinds of risks, similar policy limits and similar quality of business;
(9) If the contract provides that the controlling broker, on insurance business placed with the insurer, is to be compensated contingent upon the insurer's profits on that business, such compensation shall not be determined and paid until at least five (5) years after the premiums on liability insurance are earned and at least one (1) year after the premiums are earned on any other insurance. In no event shall the commissions be paid until the adequacy of the controlled insurer's reserves on remaining claims has been independently verified pursuant to subsection (b) of section 1302;
(10) A limit must be placed on the controlling broker's writings in relation to the controlled insurer's surplus and total writings. The insurer may establish a different limit for each line or subline of business. The controlled insurer shall notify the controlling broker when the applicable limit is approached and shall not accept business from the controlling broker if the limit is reached. The controlling broker shall not place business with the controlled insurer if it has been notified by the controlled insurer that the limit has been reached; and
(11) The controlling broker may negotiate but not bind reinsurance on behalf of the controlled insurer on business the controlling broker places with the controlled insurer, except that the controlling broker may bind facultative reinsurance contracts pursuant to obligatory facultative agreements if the contract with the controlled insurer contains underwriting guidelines, including, for both reinsurance assumed and ceded, a list of reinsurers with which such automatic agreements are in effect, the coverages and amounts or percentages that may be reinsured and commission schedules.

40 P.S. § 991.1302a

1921, May 17, P.L. 682, No. 284, art. XIII, § 1302.1, added 1994, Feb. 17, P.L. 92, No. 9, § 12, imd. effective.