40 Pa. Stat. § 635

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 635 - Reports of fires to Bureau of Fire Protection

Every stock or mutual fire insurance company, association, or exchange transacting business in this State shall file with the Bureau of Fire Protection in the Department of State Police annual and monthly reports in writing, containing such information as is required to be reported by such companies, associations, and exchanges pursuant to the provisions of the act of July first, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen (Pamphlet Laws, seven hundred and ten (P.L. 710)), entitled "An act relating to fires and fire prevention; imposing duties, and conferring powers heretofore exercised by the State Fire Marshal, upon the Department of State Police; authorizing the appointment of the chiefs of fire departments and certain public officers and others as assistants to said department, and defining their powers and duties; providing for the investigation of the cause, origin, and circumstance of fires, and the inspection of all and the removal or change of certain buildings; imposing duties on school authorities, and on certain corporations, associations, and fire rating agencies; providing for the attendance of witnesses before the department, and the enforcement of its orders; and prescribing penalties," or its amendments or supplements. Failure to make such report shall subject such company, association, or exchange to the penalties prescribed in said act, and, in addition thereto, such company, association, or exchange shall forfeit its right to do business in this State.

40 P.S. § 635

1921, May 17, P.L. 682, art. V, § 505.