40 Pa. Stat. § 382

Current through Pa Acts 2024-53, 2024-56 through 2024-127
Section 382 - Purposes for which companies may be incorporated; underwriting powers
(a) Stock or mutual life insurance companies may be incorporated for any or all of the following purposes:
(1) To insure the lives of persons, and every insurance appertaining thereto; to grant and dispose of annuities; including variable life insurance contracts and variable annuity contracts under which values or payments or both vary in relation to the investment experience of the issuer or a separate account or accounts maintained by the issuer and to insure against personal injury, disablement, or death resulting from traveling or general accidents, and against disablement resulting from sickness, and every insurance appertaining thereto, when written as a part of a policy of life insurance.
(2) To insure against personal injury, disablement, or death resulting from traveling or general accidents, and against disablement resulting from sickness, and every insurance appertaining thereto: Provided, That no life insurance company may be incorporated for the purposes mentioned in this clause unless it is also incorporated for the purposes mentioned in clause (1) of this subsection.
(b) Stock fire insurance companies may be incorporated for any or all of the purposes mentioned in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subdivision; stock marine insurance companies may be incorporated for any or all of the purposes mentioned in paragraphs (2) and (3); and stock fire and marine insurance companies may be incorporated for any or all of the purposes mentioned in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3).

For making insurances--

(1) On dwelling houses, stores, and all kinds of buildings, and household furniture and other property,--against loss or damage, including loss of use or occupancy, by fire, smoke, smudge, lightning, and explosion, whether fire ensue or not, and by tornadoes, cyclones, windstorms, earthquakes, hail, frost, sleet, snow, or flood; against loss or damage by water to any goods or premises, arising from the breakage or leakage of sprinklers, pumps, or other apparatus erected for extinguishing fires, and of water pipes; against accidental injury to such sprinklers, pumps, or other apparatus; against loss or damage caused by the caving in of the surface of the earth above coal mines; against perils to property arising from the ownership or maintenance or from the use of aircraft, automobiles, or other motor vehicles; against loss or damage caused by bombardment, invasion, insurrection, riot, civil war, or commotion, and military or usurped power; and against damage to property as specified in this paragraph by any or all risks not herein specifically designated; and to effect reinsurance of any risk provided for in this clause.
(2) Upon vessels, boats, cargoes, goods, personal property, merchandise, freight and other property,--against loss or damage by all or any of the risks of lake, river, canal, and inland navigation and transportation, including all personal property floater risks; upon automobiles, airplanes, seaplanes, dirigibles, or other aircraft, whether stationary or in operation or in transit, against loss or damage by fire, explosion, transportation, collision, or by burglary, larceny, or theft; not including, in any case, insurances against loss by reason of bodily injury to the person; and to effect reinsurance of any risk provided for in this clause.
(3) Upon vessels, freight, goods, wares, merchandise, specie, bullion, jewels, profits, commissions, bank notes, bills of exchange, and other evidence of debt, bottomry and respondentia interests, and every insurance appertaining to or connected with marine risks, and risks of transportation and navigation; and to effect reinsurance of any risk provided for in this clause.
(c) Stock casualty insurance companies may be incorporated for any or all of the following purposes:
(1) Guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust; guaranteeing the performance of contracts, other than insurance policies; guaranteeing the performance of insurance contracts, where surety bonds are accepted from insurance companies by States or municipalities in lieu of actual deposits; executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law allowed; and indemnifying banks, bankers, brokers, financial or moneyed associations, or financial or moneyed corporations, against the loss of any bills of exchange, notes, drafts, acceptances of drafts, bonds, securities, evidences of debt, deeds, mortgages, warehouse receipts, bills of lading, documents, currency, money, gold, platinum, silver, and other precious metals, refined or unrefined, and articles made therefrom, jewelry, watches, necklaces, bracelets, gems, precious and semiprecious stones, and also against loss resulting from damage, except by fire, to the insured's premises, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, safes and vaults therein, caused by burglary, robbery, holdup, theft, or larceny, or attempt thereat, except against loss caused by marine risks or risks of transportation or navigation: Provided, however, That indemnification against the loss of such property may include loss occurring during transportation by an armored motor vehicle accompanied by one or more armed guards. Also guaranteeing any Federal Land Bank against loss by reason of defective title or incumbrances on real property on which any such Federal Land Bank may make a loan secured by a mortgage.
(2) To insure against injury, disablement, or death resulting from traveling or general accident, and against disablement resulting from sickness, and every insurance appertaining thereto, including a funeral benefit to an amount not exceeding one hundred dollars.
(3) To insure against loss of, and damage to, glass, including lettering and ornamentation thereon, and the frame in which the glass is set, resulting from breakage of the insured glass.
(4) To insure any one against loss or damage resulting from accident to, or injury, fatal or non-fatal, suffered by any person for which the person insured is liable; to insure against medical, hospital, surgical and funeral expenses incurred by or on behalf of the persons accidentally injured, including the person insured; to insure against loss or damage to property caused by horses, or by any vehicle drawn by animal power, for which loss or damage the person insured is liable; and to insure against loss or damage to property, for which loss or damage the person insured is liable, but not including any kind of property damage insurance specified in other paragraphs of this section. Nothing in this paragraph shall apply to any kind of insurance against loss or damage resulting from the ownership, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle. Further, nothing contained in this paragraph shall apply to any kind of workmen's compensation insurance against loss or damage resulting from accident to, or injury, fatal or non-fatal, suffered by an employe for which the person insured is liable or against medical, hospital, surgical and funeral expenses incurred by or on behalf of the employe accidentally injured as provided for in clause (14), subdivision (c) of section 202.
(5) To insure steam boilers, and pipes, flywheels, engines, and machinery connected therewith or operated thereby, against loss caused by explosion or accident; and against loss of or damage to life, person, or property resulting therefrom; and against loss of use and occupancy caused thereby; and to make inspection of, and issue certificates of inspection upon, such boilers, pipes, flywheels, engines, and machinery.
(6) To insure against loss or damage by burglary, larceny, theft, robbery, forgery, fraud, vandalism or malicious mischief (or any one or more of such hazards), and to insure against any and all kinds of loss or destruction of, or damage to, moneys, securities, currencies, scrip, coins, bullion, bonds, notes, drafts, acceptance drafts, bills of exchange, and other valuable papers or documents, except while in the custody or possession of, and being transported by, a carrier for hire or in the mail, and against loss or damage to automobiles and aircraft by burglary, larceny or theft, vandalism or malicious mischief, confiscation or wrongful conversion, disposal or concealment, whether held under conditional sale contract or subject to chattel mortgages, or otherwise, or any one or more of such hazards.
(7) To carry on the business of credit insurance or guaranty, either by agreeing to purchase uncollectible debts or otherwise; and to insure against loss or damage from the failure of persons indebted to the insured to meet their liabilities.
(8) To insure any goods or premises against loss or damage by water or other fluid, caused by the breakage or leakage of sprinklers, pumps, or other apparatus erected for extinguishing fires, or of other conduits or containers, or of water pipes, or caused by casual water entering through leaks or openings in buildings; and against accidental injury, from causes other than fire or lightning, to such sprinklers, pumps, water pipes, conduits, containers, or other apparatus; and against damage from use or occupancy of premises by reason of such loss or damage.
(9) To insure against loss or damage to elevators or other property, except loss or damage by fire, caused by the maintenance, operation, or use of elevators and machinery; loss or legal liability for damage to property resulting from such operation, maintenance, or use of elevators.
(10) To insure horses, cattle, and other live stock.
(11) To insure against loss or damage to motor vehicles and airplanes, seaplanes, dirigibles, or other aircraft (except loss or damage by fire or while being transported in any conveyance by land or water), including loss by legal liability for damage to property resulting from the maintenance and use of motor vehicles and airplanes, seaplanes, dirigibles, or other aircraft, to insure anyone against loss or damage resulting from accident to, or injury, fatal or non-fatal, suffered by another person, for which the person insured is liable resulting from the ownership, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle, to insure against medical, hospital, surgical and funeral expenses incurred by or on behalf of the persons accidentally injured as a result of the ownership, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle, including the person insured, and in the case of motor vehicle liability insurance, including also an obligation of the insurer to pay disability benefits to injured persons and death benefits to dependents, beneficiaries or personal representatives of persons who are killed, irrespective of the legal liability of the insured when such insurance is issued with and supplemental to such liability insurance.
(12) To insure against loss or damage to machinery, pumps, transporting, hoisting and ventilating apparatus, and equipment of mines while located underground, and loss or damage to underground passageways, gangways, airways, drifts, slopes, shafts, overcasts, and stoppings in the mines:

Provided, however, That any casualty company which is authorized to transact business in this Commonwealth shall not expose itself to any loss or hazard on any one risk authorized by this paragraph in an amount exceeding ten per centum of its capital and surplus, unless it shall be protected in excess of that amount by reinsurance.

(13) To insure by means of an all-risk type of policy, commonly known as "The Personal Property Floater Policy," against all risks of loss of or damage to personal property owned by any individual other than merchandise, motor vehicles, aircraft, water-craft (excepting canoes, rowboats, sailboats less than twenty-one feet in length and outboard motor boats), or, personal property, pertaining to the business, trade or profession of the insured (excepting professional books, instruments and other professional equipment owned by the insured).
(14) To insure against loss or damage resulting from accident to, or injury, fatal or non-fatal, suffered by an employe for which the person insured is liable and to insure against medical, hospital, surgical and funeral expenses incurred by or on behalf of the employe accidentally injured, including the person insured.
(d) Mutual insurance companies of any kind, other than life insurance companies, may be incorporated for the following purposes:
(1) To make contracts of insurance, or to reinsure and accept reinsurance, for any and all kinds of insurance, other than life insurance, which are not prohibited by statute or at common law from being the subject of insurance, but no such mutual company may transact any kind of insurance other than such as may be transacted by a stock company writing the same kinds of insurance. A mutual company possessing charter powers of clause (2), subsection (b) of this section, or clause (11), subsection (c) of this section shall not write assessable bodily injury and property damage liability insurance policies upon any automobiles or motor vehicles; except this prohibition shall not apply to insurance coverage providing for collision damage or other direct loss or damage to the insured automobile or motor vehicle; or a mutual company possessing the charter power of clause (14), subsection (c) of this section shall not write assessable workmen's compensation policies. All assessable policies shall have the words "This is an Assessable Policy" printed prominently on the backer or policy panel, as well as on the face of the policy in letters not less than sixteen point in size.
(e) Domestic stock and mutual insurance companies, other than life, and, if their charters permit, foreign companies, may transact any form of insurance not included in this section, if such insurance is not contrary to law, and is allied or in harmony with the classes of insurance herein provided. Such additional insurance shall be transacted only on express license by the Insurance Commissioner and upon such terms and conditions as are from time to time prescribed by him.
(f) Domestic stock and mutual insurance companies, other than life or title, and, if their charters permit, foreign companies, may transact any or all of the kinds of insurance included in subdivisions (b) and (c) of this section upon compliance with all of the financial and other requirements prescribed by the laws of this Commonwealth for fire, marine, fire and marine, and casualty insurance companies transacting such kinds of insurance.
(g) Stock fire, stock marine, stock fire and marine, and stock casualty insurance companies may be incorporated for any or all of the purposes mentioned in subdivisions (b) and (c) of this section.
(1) No domestic stock or mutual insurance company, other than life or title, shall issue a policy containing an aggregate limit on any one risk in an amount exceeding ten per centum (10%) of its capital and surplus, unless it shall be protected in excess of that amount by reinsurance or collateral. This collateral may be in the form of:
(i) Cash.
(ii) Securities listed by the Securities Valuation Office of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and qualifying as admitted assets.
(A) Clean, irrevocable, unconditional letters of credit and credit agreements issued or confirmed by a qualified United States financial institution no later than the thirty-first day of December in respect of the year for which filing is being made and in the possession of the insurance company on or before the filing date of its annual statement.
(B) Letters of credit agreements meeting applicable standards of issuer acceptability as of the dates of their issuance or confirmation shall, notwithstanding the issuing or confirming institution's subsequent failure to meet applicable standards of issuer acceptability, continue to be acceptable as collateral until their expiration, extension, renewal, modification or amendment, whichever first occurs.
(iv) Any other form of collateral acceptable to the Insurance Commissioner.
(2) The term "qualified United States financial institution" when used in this subsection means an institution which meets the following qualifications:
(i) Is organized or, in the case of a United States office of a foreign banking organization, licensed under the laws of the United States or any state thereof.
(ii) Is regulated, supervised and examined by United States Federal or state authorities having regulatory authority over banks and trust companies.
(iii) Has been determined by either the Insurance Commissioner or the Securities Valuation Office of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to meet such standards of financial condition and standing as are considered necessary and appropriate to regulate the quality of financial institutions whose letters of credit will be acceptable to the Insurance Commissioner.

40 P.S. § 382

1921, May 17, P.L. 682, art. II, § 202. Amended 1937, June 4, P.L. 1632, § 1; 1943, April 28, P.L. 131, § 1; 1943, May 6, P.L. 181, § 1; 1945, May 22, P.L. 825, No. 330, §§ 1, 2; 1949, April 20, P.L. 620, § 1; 1951, July 19, P.L. 1100, § 1; 1953, July 2, P.L. 331, § 1; 1955, May 11, P.L. 52, § 1; 1961, Aug. 23, P.L. 1078, § 1; 1968, Jan. 19, P.L. (1967) 1020, § 1; 1968, Nov. 27, P.L. 1118, No. 349, §§ 1-3 (1st § 3); 1974, Dec. 13, P.L. 951, No. 313, § 1; 1976, July 9, P.L. 948, No. 184, §§ 1, 2; 1981, June 19, P.L. 94, No. 33, § 1; 1992, Dec. 18, P.L. 1519, No. 178, § 1, effective in 120 days; 1994, Feb. 17, P.L. 92, No. 9, § 1, imd. effective.