Pursuant to the adoption by the people at the municipal election held in November, one thousand nine hundred thirty-three, of an amendment to article nine of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, which reads as follows:
Section 16. In addition to the purposes stated in article nine, section four, of this Constitution, the General Assembly may provide, by law, for the issue of bonds, to the amount of ten millions of dollars, for the purpose of acquiring toll bridges, and may, by law, provide that, upon the acquisition of any such bridge, tolls may be charged for the use thereof, sufficient to pay the interest and sinking fund charges on such bonds and the cost of the maintenance of such bridges, until the bonds issued have been retired and such bridges are freed of tolls," the Governor, the Auditor General and the State Treasurer, in accordance with the provisions thereof, and on the credit of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are hereby authorized and directed, from time to time, to borrow such sum or sums of money not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of ten million dollars ($10,000,000), as may be deemed necessary for the purpose of acquiring toll bridges wholly within the Commonwealth.
36 P.S. § 3160.1