Section 1710 - Preparation and adoption of redevelopment proposal(a) An Authority shall prepare a redevelopment proposal for all or part of any area certified by the planning commission to be a redevelopment area and for which the planning commission has made a redevelopment area plan.(b) The planning commission's certification of a redevelopment area shall be made in conformance with its comprehensive general plan (which may include, inter alia, a plan of major traffic arteries and terminals and a land use plan and projected population densities) for the territory under its jurisdiction or for any greater area for which the field of operation of the Authority has been extended under clause (e) of section 3 of this act. (c) The planning commission's redevelopment area plan shall include, without being limited to, the following: (1) The boundaries of the area, with a map showing the existing uses of the real property therein;(2) A land use plan of the area showing proposed uses following redevelopment;(3) Standards of population densities, land coverage and building intensities in the proposed redevelopment;(4) A preliminary site plan of the area;(5) A statement of the proposed changes, if any, in zoning ordinances or maps;(6) A statement of any proposed changes in street layouts, street levels, and proposed traffic regulation, including the separation or excluding of vehicular traffic partially or totally from pedestrian traffic;(7) A statement of the extent and effect of the rehousing of families which may be made necessary from the redevelopment area plan, and the manner in which such rehousing may be accomplished;(8) A statement of the estimated cost of acquisition of the redevelopment area, and of all other costs necessary to prepare the area for redevelopment;(9) A statement of such continuing controls as may be deemed necessary to effectuate the purposes of this act.(d) In conformity with such redevelopment area plan, the Authority shall prepare a proposal for the redevelopment of all or part of such area. The Authority may, if it deems it desirable, hold public hearings prior to its final determination of the redevelopment proposal.(e) The Authority shall submit the redevelopment proposal to the planning commission for review. The planning commission shall, within forty-five days, certify to the governing body its recommendation on the redevelopment proposal, either of approval, rejection or modification, and in the latter event, specify the changes recommended.(f) Upon receipt of the planning commission's recommendation, or at the expiration of forty-five days, if no recommendation is made by the planning commission, the Authority shall submit to the governing body the redevelopment proposal with the recommendation, if any, of the planning commission thereon.(g) The governing body upon receipt of the redevelopment proposal and the recommendation, if any, of the planning commission shall hold a public hearing upon said proposal. Notice of the time, place and purpose of such hearing shall be published at least once each week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the field of operation of the Authority, the time of the hearing to be at least ten days from the last publication of notice. The notice shall describe that portion of the redevelopment area affected by the proposal by boundaries and by city block, street and house number. The redevelopment proposal with such maps, plans, contracts or other documents as form part of said proposal, together with the recommendation, if any, of the planning commission and supporting data shall be available for public inspection for at least ten days prior to the hearing. At the hearing the governing body shall afford an opportunity to all persons or agencies interested to be heard and shall receive, make known and consider recommendations in writing with reference to the redevelopment proposal.
(h) The governing body shall approve or reject the redevelopment proposal as submitted. The governing body shall not approve a redevelopment proposal unless it is satisfied that adequate provisions will be made to rehouse displaced families, if any, without undue hardship, or if the municipality in which the project is to be located has filed its objections thereto.(i) Upon approval by the governing body of the redevelopment proposal, as submitted by the Authority, the Authority is authorized to take such action as may be necessary to carry it out.(j) The redevelopment proposal may contain the form of the redevelopment contract with the redeveloper selected and upon approval by the governing body of the proposal, as hereinbefore provided, the Authority is authorized to execute the said redevelopment contract. If the proposal does not contain the form of the redevelopment contract with the redeveloper selected, the Authority shall not execute a redevelopment contract with a redeveloper thereafter selected, until the said redevelopment contract shall have been approved by the governing body and found to be in substantial conformity with the proposal theretofore approved by the governing body. No additional public hearing notice or publication shall be required with respect to such approval.1945, May 24, P.L. 991, § 10. Amended 1955, May 31, P.L. 107, §§ 1-3; 1968, June 26, P.L. 263, No. 125, § 12.