All deeds and conveyances made or to be made, and proved or acknowledged, and recorded as aforesaid, which shall appear so to be, by endorsement made thereon, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, shall be of the same force and effect here, for the giving possession and seisin, and making good the title and assurance of the said lands, tenements and hereditaments, as deeds of feoffment, with livery and seisin, or deeds enrolled in any of the king's courts of record at Westminster, are or shall be in the kingdom of Great Britain. And the copies or exemplifications of all deeds so enrolled, being examined by the recorder, and certified under the seal of the proper office, (which the recorder, or keeper thereof, is hereby required to affix thereto), shall be allowed in all courts where produced, and are hereby declared and enacted to be as good evidence, and as valid and effectual in law, as the original deeds themselves, or as bargains and sales enrolled in the said courts at Westminster, and copies thereof can be; and that the same may be showed, pleaded and made use of accordingly.
21 P.S. § 471