Section 2507 - Payment of expenses; taxation; annual fairs; state contributions(a) All expenses incurred in the operation of recreation places, established as herein provided, shall be payable from the treasury of the county. The county commissioners may annually appropriate and cause to be raised by taxation funds for any or all of the purposes authorized in this article, including debt service upon bond issues authorized herein. In counties of the second class A, the amount of the tax may not exceed two mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of taxable property in the county.(b) The county commissioners or the fair board, if there be one, may provide for and hold an annual fair or agricultural exhibition on county fairgrounds, and may accept aid or contributions from the Commonwealth under any act for the payment of premiums at any such fair or exhibition. Amended by P.L. TBD 2018 No. 154, § 109, eff. 12/24/2018.1955, Aug. 9, P.L. 323, § 2507. Amended 1965, June 11, P.L. 125, § 1.